Anna University, Chennai
SUB.CODE / NAME : IT1401- Web Technology
1. Define www and Internet.
2. List the features of JavaScript..
3. Define protocol.
4. List out some common protocol used in mail services.
5. Define MIME headers.
6. Give short notes on IMAP.
7. Define HTTP.
8. List out the various Escape sequences available in java script.
9. Define user agent.
10. Give an example for compound assignment operator.
11. Differentiate between Recursion and Iteration.
12. Define function with example.
13. Which statement is used to display content on webpage?
14. Define cookies.
15. Write a program in JavaScript to read and display your name in the webpage.
16. Define object in JavaScript with example.
17. Define arrays with example.
1. Define Dynamic HTML (DHTML).
2. Differentiate between collection all object and collection children object.
3. Give short notes on navigator object.
4. Write a note on DHTML Object Model.
5. Define Event Model.
6. Define Event Bubbling.
7. Give the use of onload and onclick event with example.
8. List out the keyboard events available in DHTML.
9. How errors are handled in DHTML?
10. Write a short note on Filters and also mention its types.
11. Define Transitions.
12. Differentiate between Mask Filter and Blur Filter.
13. List out the styles created during different transitions from opaque to transparent.
14. Give the use of offx and offy properties of Dropshadow.
15. Differentiate Apply and Play methods in Transition.
16. List the possible opacity attributes of the alpha filter.
17. Define Data Binding.
18. Give short note on sort property of ActiveX control.
19. List out the Data Binding Elements.
20. Which statement is used to bind an image and table in webpage? Give an example for it.
21. List out the Mouse events available in DHTML.
22. Define Error handling in DHTML.
1. a) Write a program in java script for dynamic positioning of text in the page. (08)
1. Write a short note on get method and post method.
2. Define Electronic commerce.
3. Differentiate between client side scripting and server side scripting.
4. How will you access the local server?
5. Define DNS Lookup.
6. List out functions of web server.
7. Define Microsoft agent control.
8. Write a short note on bgsound element and also give an example for it.
9. Define SMIL.
10. Define WTLS.
11. Define SSL.
12. What is consumer tracking?
13. Write a short note on embed element and also give an example for it
14. Define multimedia.
15. Mention the necessity of key management schemes.
16. What is micro payment?
17. Define IPSec.
18. List out the various security attacks in network.
19. What is branding?
20. Define SVG.
21. Define cryptanalysis.
22. Define IIS.
1. List out the uses of XML.
2. Mention the features of scripting languages.
3. Define DTD.
4. Differentiate Internal DTD and External DTD with eg.
5. What is XML prolog?
6. List out the XML vocabularies.
7. Differentiate URI and URL.
8. Define XML parser.
9. What is meant by XML namespace?
10. Define XSLT.
11. Define CSS.
12. Mention the advantage of using validating parser over non validating parser.
13. Define DOM.
14. Write a short note on DBMS.
15. Define relational database model.
16. Give the use of primary key in database with eg.
17. Give the syntax for merging data from multiple tables.
18. What is session tracking?
19. What is the purpose of using file system objects in ASP?
20. What is meant by Server side ActiveX component?
21. Define ADO.
22. What is meant by Session object?
1. List out advantages of using server side scripting.
2. Compare ASP and JSP.
3. Define CGI.
4. Give the syntax of doPost and doGet methods.
5. Give reasons for using javax.servlet package.
6. Write a servlet program to display a hello world message.
7. What are the key components of a JSP?
8. What is the usage of JSP page directive?
9. Define Include Directive.
10. Mention the purpose of Init() and destroy() functions.
11. Differentiate implements and extends variables.
12. What is meant by implicit objects?
13. What is meant by standard actions>
14. Give reasons for using directives and also list its types.
15. Differentiate include action and forward action.
16. Why do we need connection pools in jdbc?
17. Define dynamic JSP?
18. What is page translation in JSP?
19. What are the four broad categories of core syntax elements defined by the JSP specification?
20. Define the term translation-time processing errors in JSP?
21. What is JSP scriptlets?
22. Difference between two-tier and n-tier model
23. What is Servlets?
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