CS1354 GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA Questions Bank 2014

Anna University, Chennai






Unit 1


Part A

1. Define 2D rotation.

2. Write the 2D transformation matrix for a. Rotation by clockwise

b. Rotation by anti - clockwise c. Scaling

d. Reflection about x axis

e. Reflection about y=x axis f. Reflection about y=-x axis g. Reflection about origin

h. Shearing for x i. Shearing for y

j. Shearing about reference axis

3. Define computer graphics and its types

4. List some of the input and output devices

5. What are the uses of computer graphics?

6. Write down the classification of display devices

7. Define caps

8. What are the different types of joins available? What are its uses

9. What is the color table? What are the colors available in gray scale?

10. Define 2D translation. List the basic 2D transformations

11. Write down 2D translation vector and 2D transformation matrix for translation

12. Define 2D reflection and 2D shearing

13. Define affine transformation

14. What is a window and view port?

15. What is viewing transformation?

16. Write down the equation for window to view port mapping

17. Define workstation transformation

18. Define clipping and clip window

19. What are the different types of clipping available?

20. What are the different types of line clipping algorithm

21. Define region code


23. What is a frame buffer? What are bitmap & pixmap?

24. Explain briefly the advantages of storing color codes in a lookup table

25. What is the need for antialiasing?

26. What is the difference between rater scan and random scan systems?

27. What is viewing & windowing?

Part B

1. Derive the Bresenhams line drawing algorithm and explain it with an example

2. Explain the line DDA algorithm and derive the expression

3. Explain midpoint circle algorithm. Given a circle radius r=10 demonstrate the midpoint circle algorithm by determining positions along the circle octant in the quadrant from x=0 to x=y

4. Briefly explain the attributes of output primitives

5. Write short notes on 2D

a) Rotation

b) Reflection c) Translation d) Shearing

e) Scaling

6. Write short notes on two dimensional viewing & anti aliasing

7. Briefly explain the various clipping

8. Explain the octree & quad tree representation of solid obje

9. Translate and scale the translated polygon which has the coordinates A(2,5),B(7,10),C(10,2) initially. The translation and scaling factors are given as follows sx=2, sy=2 and tx=3units,ty=4 units

10. Translate the square of position A(1,1),B(1,5),C(5,5)and D(5,1) with the X position as 2 units and Y position as 3 units and make its size twice that of original size then rotate it by an angle 300

11. The triangle position is A(1,1),B(3,5),C(2,2),translate the given triangle with respect to its centroid with A in the centroid position and rotate it by an angle 300, after shrinking the object half the size



1. Write the 3D transformation matrix for a. Rotation x axis

b. Rotation for y c. Scaling

d. Reflection about x axis e. Reflection about y axis

f. Reflection about y=x axis g. Reflection about y=-x axis h. Reflection about origin

i. Shearing for x j. Shearing for y k. Rotation for z

2. What do you mean by perspective projection?

3. Define B-Spline and Bezier Curves?

4. List the properties of Bezier curves

5. Define 3D translation and list the basic 3D transformations

6. Write down 3D translation vector and 3D transformation matrix for translation

7. Define 3D rotation

8. Define 3D reflection and 3D shearing

9. Define composite transformations

10. List some of the transformation functions

11. Define color model. What are the different types of color models available?

12. Draw the RGB and HLS color model

13. Draw the chromaticity diagram and HSV color model

14. Define chromaticity

15. What do you mean by complementary colors and primary colors?

16. Write the equation for converting RGB to CMY and CMY to RGB

17. Define animation and morphing

18. Explain briefly the two categories of visible-surface detection algorithms

19. State the uses of chromaticity diagram

20. what is realism rendering

21. Define color gamut

22. What are self affine and invariant fractals

23. Write note on parallel projection

24. Why do we need to eliminate the hidden surfaces?

25. What are the different types of hidden surface elimination method?

26. Define CIE chromaticity diagram

27. Write a brief note on CMY color model

Part B 16

1. Write short notes on projections

2. Write short notes on Bezier curves

3. Explain briefly about Splines and its properties

4. Write short notes on 3D

a. Rotation including all cases 5 b. Reflection 5

c. Translation 2 d. Shearing 2

e. Scaling 2

5. Write short notes on three dimensional viewing

6. How is chromaticity diagram useful in calculating the wavelengths?

7. Discuss the color models define with primary colors

8. Discuss the color models based on specification of luminance and purity values

9. Discuss the animation sequences

10. Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping and Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping and state its disadvantage .How it is rectified by Weiler Atherton algorithm

11. Explain the following curve approximation methods a) Bezier Curves

b) B-Spline Curves

12. Determine the Bezier blending functions for five control points. Plot each function and label the maximum and minimum values

Unit 3


1. Define multimedia

2. What are the applications of multimedia?

3. Define fractals

4. Abbreviate HDTV, UDTV, ATM, FDDI, CCITT

5. Draw the IMA architecture framework

6. What is the use of OCR?

7. Define holography

8. What are the components of DSP ARCHITECTURE?

9. Draw the image hierarchy

10. List the file storage formats

11. Define cadence

12. What are the elements of multimedia

13. List the applications of multimedia

14. what is image calibration & frame averaging

15. Define gray-scale normalization & color separation

16. Define hypertext

17. Define encapsulation

18. Define message passing

19. Mention some of the evolving technologies of multimedia

20. Mention some of the charactertics of speech recognition

21. What are the different types of multimedia formats

22. What are the features available in Quick time architecture

Part B 16 Marks

1. Write short notes on multimedia elements

2. Discuss the application of the multimedia in various fields

3. Explain the multimedia system architecture with neat diagram

4. Discuss the evolving technologies for multimedia systems

5. Discuss the database management for multimedia

6. Write short notes on multimedia data interface standards

Unit 4


1. Define compression & decompression

2. What is the need for compression?

3. What are the different types of compression available? List the difference between them

4. Write down the difference between jpeg2 and jpeg4

5. List the various compression techniques

6. List the benefits of DCT

7. Define quantization

8. Define quantized coefficient

9. Write the encoding technique available for video information

10. Define sampling rate

11. Abbreviate ESDI, IDE, SCSI,DVD,MCI,OCR

12. What are the different types of seek latencies

13. List the different levels of RAID

14. What are the uses of magnetic storage in multimedia?

15. What is mini disk?

16. Differentiate MPEP2 and MPEG 4

17. List out the five classes of TIFF

18. What are the categories of the Tag ID

19. How are seek latencies classified

Part B 16 Marks

1. Discuss the different types of compressions in detail

2. Write short notes on jpeg

3. Discuss the various levels of RAID technologies

4. Write short notes on mpeg

5. Write notes on file format standard

6. Explain the multimedia I/O technologies

7. Write short notes on image animation

8. Explain the concepts involved in full motion video

9. Write notes on storage deices and storage management

10. Describe the following in detail

a. File Formats (4)

b. DVI technology (6)

c. CD technologies (6)

11. Write note on a. WORM

b. Cache Management

12. With a neat diagram explain the architecture of MPEG standard

13. Draw and explain the TWAIN Architecture with a neat diagram. Mention the specification objectives and benefits of TWAIN file format standard

14. What is MIDI? Explain how it is used for music recording

15. Explain the organization of RIFF chunks with a neat diagram

16. Explain the organization of TIFF with a neat diagram

1. Define authoring systems

Unit 5


2. Who are the primary users of multimedia authoring systems?

3. What are the different types of authoring systems available?

4. What is the process involved in film for creating a sound track?

5. List the components of distributed multimedia systems

6. Define server

7. What are the different types of server available?

8. Mention the six levels of RAID

9. Differentiate embedding and linking

10. What are the database operations available?

11. What are hypermedia document models?

12. Define OLE

13. What is the use of RAID

14. Define VIM

15. List the object display and playback issues

16. Define aspect ratio

17. What are hypermedia document models

Part B 16 Marks

1. Explain the different types of authoring systems available?

2. Explain the concepts involved in distributed multimedia systems

3. Write short notes on

a. Integrated multimedia message standards b. Integrated document management

4. How a hypermedia message is created in multimedia

5. Write short notes on

_ Mobile messaging

_ Hypermedia components

6. Explain the multimedia user interface

7. Discuss about

a. Hypermedia messaging b. User interface design

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