Anna University ,Chennai
Department of Civil Engineering
AG2211 Applied Geology
University Question Bank
Unit - IV
4.A.1. List the major different between anticlines and
synclines. (May/June 2012)
4.A.2. What is normal fault? (May/June 2012)
4.A.3. Using diagram, explain True Dip and Apparent Dip of beds.
4.A.4. Using a diagram, briefly explain the Time-Distance curve
for a two-layer case. (Nov/Dec.2012)
4.A.5. Define the term ‘Dip and Strike’ of the bed. (May/June.2011)
4.A.6. Differentiate between fan shooting and profile shooting. (May/June.2011)
4.A.7. What is Synclinal fold? (April/May.2010)
4.A.8. Name the device used in seismic survey. (April/May.2010)
4.A.9. Differentiate between True Dip and Apparent Dip. (Nov./Dec..2010)
4.A.10. What is principle of seismic survey for ground water
investigation? (Nov./Dec..2010)
4.A.11. Define the ‘Dip and Strike’ of the rock. (Nov./Dec.2009 R-2004)
4.A.12. Write down the configuration of Wenner method. (Nov./Dec.2009
4.A.13. What is normal fault? (Nov./Dec.2009 R 2008)
4.A.14. What is meant by Geological map? (Nov./Dec.2009 R 2008)
4.A.15. Explain the Bedding joint and Mural joints structure
with a sketch. (April/May.2008 R-2004)
4.A.16. Describe Normal and Reverse fault structures with
diagram. (April/May.2008 R-2004)
PART B (5X16=80 Marks)
4.B.1 (a) What are the folds in rocks? Classify them and
describe each in detail. (May/June 2012)
4.B.2. (b) Explain the Electrical methods of geophysical surveys
for civil engineering investigations. (May/June 2012)
4.B.3. (a) Explain the
influence of fold and faults on the design and construction of Dam and Tunnels.
4.B.4. (b) Give a detailed account of Seismic surveys and
interpretation of seismic data for subsurface investigation. (Nov/Dec.2012)
4.B.5. (a)Describe the various classifications of faults with
sketch. (May/June.2011)
4.B.6. (b) How are faults recognized in field? Add a note on
importance of faults. (May/June.2011)
4.B.7. (a)Describe the seismic survey for subsurface
investigation. (May/June.2011)
4.B.8. (b) Describe the effect of fold and joints on civil
engineering projects. (May/June.2011)
4.B.9. (a) What are faults? How are they classified? And its
engineering significance. (April/May.2010)
4.B.19. (a) Explain in detail the seismic method and electrical
method in geophysical survey. (April/May.2010)
4.B.20. (a) Describe the procedures to interpret geological maps
for faults. (Nav/Dec 2010)
4.B.21.(b) Explain the electrical resistivity method for
groundwater investigation. (Nav/Dec 2010)
4.B.22. (a) Describe the type of folds with sketch and mention
its importance. (Nav/Dec 2010)
4.B.23. (b) Explain the type of joints with sketch and write its
civil engineering importance. (Nav/Dec 2010)
4.B.24. (a)Classify and describe joint structure with neat
sketches. Add a note on their role in Dam and Tunnel constructions.(Nav/Dec
2009 R-2004)
4.B.25. (b)Describe the seismic method of geophysical survey and
its applications (Nav/Dec 2009 R-2004)
4.B.26. (a) What are folds? How are they classified? Also give
its engineering importance. (Nav/Dec 2009 R-2008)
4.B.27. (b) Describe in detail the seismic and electrical
methods used in civil engineering investigation. (Nav/Dec 2009 R-2008)
4.B.28. (a) Classify and describe faults structures with neat
sketches. Add a note on their role in Tunnel constructions. (April/May 2008)
4.B.29 (b) Describe the electrical resistivity method of
geophysical survey. Write its application in groundwater exploration and bed
rock analysis. (April/May 2008)