IT2353 –WEB TECHNOLOGY–16 marks Questions–1st Edition–Reg 2008

Anna University



Regulation 2008

16 Marks Questions – 1st Edition

All Units



Year / Class : 111rd yr IT

Semester : 6th sem


Unit 1


1. Discuss the various HTML tags in detail .

2. Write short notes on the following

i. IMG tag

ii. TABLE tag

iii. FRAME tag

3. Write an HTML document to provide a form that collect name and telephone numbers.

4. Explain HTML forms in detail along with form elements, attributes & methods.

i. <form method=”how to send” ACTION=”URL of script”>

ii. …form data…

iii. </form>

iv. Form fields & attributes:

<TEXTAREA> element

<INPUT> tag: text, password, checkbox, radio, hidden, reset, submit,

v. button

<SELECT> tag

5. List any four events associated with DHTML and explain each one with an example.

6. Write the XHTML markup to create a frame with a table of contents on the left side of the window and have each entry in the table of contents use internal linking to scroll down the document frame to the appropriate subsection.

7. What are HTML tags? List the commonly used HTML commands.

8. Design a web page that allows the user to choose from a series of images and to view the image in color and grayscale.

9. Develop a html page which accepts

i. -Any mathematical expression

ii. -Evaluate the expression

iii. -Displays the result of the evaluation

10. How to create user interactive web pages using form objects and form elements?

11. What is HTML?List the goals of SGML. explain the various html tags to develop the web pages.

12. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form page for Railway Registration Form.

13. Develop a html web page for the following design using frame and frameset.





<link3> <frame3>

<content to be displayed in this frame>

14. How to create user interactive web pages using Form elements and Form objects? Develop an Student registration form using HTML Form elements. (Assume your own fields).

Unit II

1. Explain the document object model architecture

2. Explain the various event handlers in java script. Give an example.

3. Write a java script program to develop the arithmetic calculator

4. Write a java script program to perform the validation process in an application programs

5. Write short notes on scripting languages.

6. What are the various java script objects? Explain each with an example.

7. How to validate the check box and check box group?

8. Explain about types of cascading style sheet? Explain with example

9. Explain the various CSS properties

10. What is html? explain the various html tags to develop the web pages.

11. What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form page for Railway Registration Form

12. What is CSS ? List out the Various CSS Properties. Explain the various concepts of CSS properties with neat example.

13. What are the types of CSS? Explain any two with neat example.

14. Explain Dhtml.

15. Explain how Dhtml used to develop the web pages.

16. With a neat diagram write a SCRIPT PROGRAM with validation for the following (each program carries 16 marks)

• Student Mark List

• Inventory System

• Employee Pay Slip generation

• Railway Ticket Reservation

• Online Quiz program

17. Draw form design

• Design must have one Primary key field – always

• check for duplication for the primary key field

• emp- name, product- name, dept-name etc should not be blank

• Write a function for all these validation

• When you introduce any number field, always check it is negative or not, if it so do not accept the input value

• For calculations always use program concept, do not ask the user to enter total, gross etc.

• Instead through program calculate Gross.value = val(basic.value + hra.value+da.value)

• Always use val or ParseInt function when you perform calculation with numbers.

• for avoiding too much of validation better use the following in the design itself

• Radio button

• Command button

• Check box

• List box

• Must introduce SUBMIT & RESET button at the end of the design

18. Explain in detail about all the types of Cascading Style sheet with an example Program draw the form design

19. Mention the 3 types of CSS

20. Write example program for each type of CSS

21. Write the differences and advantages of each CSS

22. Write short notes on the following

23. Write short notes on Java Script/Advantages of Scripting

• Java Script control statements

• Java Script functions

24. Discuss briefly about HTML – Object Model and Collections

• Object modeling

• Object Referencing

• Dynamic Styles

• Dynamic Positioning

25. Discuss briefly Dynamic HTML – Event Model

26. Write Short notes on event model

27. Explain Event bubbling with an example program

28. How can we JavaScript using Objects. Give an Example

29. With an example describe java scripts Control structure.

30. Explain about CSS.

31. With an example describe java scripts Control structure

32. What are Style Sheets? List down the ways of including style information in a document. Explain about types of cascading style sheet? Explain with example.

33. What are the methods associated with array object in JavaScript? Explain each one with an example.

34. Write a JavaScript to display a welcome button of an html form is pressed

35. What do you mean by CSS? Discuss the properties of CSS-level-1 in detail with suitable example.

36. Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate the JavaScript events.

37. Design a webpage with a textbox where the user can enter a four digit number and a button “validate” . Validate the entered number for the following using java script. No zero as the first digit Entered number must be in ascending order of digits (Ex:1234,5678…)

38. Write the complete JavaScript to prompt the user for the radius of the sphere and call function sphere Volume to calculate and display the volume of the sphere. Use the statement. Volume=(4.0/3.0)*Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,3)

39. To calculate the volume, the user should input the radius through an HTML text field and press an HTML button to initiate the calculations.

40. What are the objectives of using Cascading style sheet? Briefly explain about linking of external Style sheets and fixing the backgrounds.

41. Explain the concept of CSS and its properties and its uses with an example.

42. Using a JavaScript create a web page using two image files , which switch between one another as the mouse pointer moves over the images.

43. Write JavaScript for the following. Provide a text box for the user enter user name. validate the username for the no. of characters(assume some no. say 6). Provide a SUBMIT button for the validation to happen. On successful validation display a new page with an image and two text boxes for entering the width and height of the image respectively with a RESIZE button below. On clicking the Resize button validate the width and height numbers and on successful validation display the image with the requested width and height.

44. Develop a simple online shopping application using JavaScript(Assume your own data)

45. What are Style Sheets? List down the ways of including style information in a document. Explain about types of cascading style sheet? Explain with example.

46. What is CSS ? List out the Various CSS Properties. Explain the various concepts of CSS properties with neat example.

47. Explain the various event handlers in java script. Give an example of each. Write a java script program to develop the arithmetic calculator .

48. develop the web page for employee management system and validate all the fields using java script. (Note: The web page should contain all the html forms control)

49. Explain about cascading style sheets in detail.

i. Style sheet rules

ii. Styling a page

iii. Linking style sheets

iv. Inline style sheets.

50. Write a XHTML program to create a web page for your college information using any one CSS type (Assume your own data) .Explain the various CSS properties in detail. Write a suitable code each property.

51. Develop a JavaScript program to display a message “HI ! GOOD MORNING TO YOU” when a page is loaded and display a message “THANKS TO VISIT OUR WEB PAGE” when a page is unloaded.

52. Design a web page with a text box (username) where the user can enter a name and another text box (ID) where the user enter an only four digit ID.NO and a button “validate”. Validate the entered username and ID field for the following using java script.

i. Both the fields should not be empty

ii. Name field should have alphabets

iii. ID field should have numeric.

Unit III

1. Explain the concept of Servlets with an example program

2. Explain about applet to servlet communication with example program?

3. Explain about applet-to-applet communication with example program?

4. Explain about servlet interfaces with snippet code?

5. What are attributes are available for servlet and explain each of them

6. What do mean by Connection pooling? Explain it with an example.

7. What is HTTP Tunneling? Explain with an example

8. What\'s the difference between sendRedirect( ) and forward( ) methods? Explain each with an example

9. List down the methods of GenericServlet .Explain ach of them with an example

10. List down the methods of HttpServlet .Explain ach of them with an example

List down the methods of SevletConfig .Explain ach of them with an example

11. List down the methods of Servletcontext .Explain ach of them with an example

12. Explain implicit objects with example

13. Explain about JSP expressions

14. Explain about JSP actions with example

15. Write down the differences between <jsp: include> and <@include…> with example

16. Briefly explain about Java Server Pages technology

17. Why do I need JSP technology if I already have servlets? And explain the features of JSP over servlet.

18. Explain how are the JSP requests handled with an example?

19. What are Directives? Explain about JSP diecives.

20. Explain in details about taglib .

21. Explain the concepts of JSP directives with suitable example.

22. Explain THE various session tracking MECHANISMS.

23. Explain the architechture of a Servlet?

24. Explain life cycle of a Servlet?

25. What is Servlet Chaining? Explain with an example

26. Explain the concepts of Servlet chaining and communications.

27. Explain about session tracking.

28. Two ways of maintaining the sessions:

i. Cookies

ii. Rewriting URLs

29. Example for session tracking, Shopping cart

30. Explain the feature of Multi-tier application using servlet architecture.

31. Explain the Servlet architecture with its functionality.

32. Develop an HTML document to generate ballot form for an election. The votes submitted are recorded on the server by a servlet handling the form. Cookies must be used to prevent multiple votes by the same client.

33. What is DOM? Explain its usage with HTML with an example.

34. Write a servlet program to implement session tracking using HTTP session object.

35. Compare JSP with servlets.

36. Discuss the traditional methods of session tracking techniques in servlet explain with example.

37. Explain DOM. Write a Javascript Program to validate Radio Button,CHECKBOX and OPTION fields.

38. Explain the servlet life cycle model and explain javax.servlet package

39. Write a HTTP servlet program to authenticate a user and retrieve all information from a HTML registration Form and store in a given data base.

40. Explain the various Java Script objects & Host objects

41. What is DOM? Draw the detailed DOM objects structure. Explain with its usage.

Unit IV

1. Explain the Roles and Advantages of XML.

2. Explain briefly the The Three Revolutions XML

3. Explain XML & DTD.

4. explain the basics of XML Language

5. Explain briefly xml Transformation?

6. Explain briefly XML Schema:

7. Explain Simple API for xml(SAX):

8. Explain about Presentation Technique?

9. Short notes on XML Namespaces?

10. Explain briefly DTD?

11. Briefly Explain About HTTP & XML-RPC

12. Explain about JSP with example program.

13. Mention the rules of well-formed XML.

14. What is DTD? Explain it with example.

15. Describe the following in detail.

16. JSP Standard Actions.

17. JSP Directives.

18. What is a DTD (document Type Definition) . What are its applications?

19. Write a XML schema for a Movie data base table with the following structure:

20. Movie(name, director,date_released, record), name(firstname, midname, lastname), date_released(date, month, year)

21. Write an ASP/JSP code to access a table and records from a student database to obtain the result of a student.

22. List out objects associated with JSP/ASP and highlight the features of each object. Explain the various JSP elements.

23. Write similarities and dissimilarities between XML and DHTML.

24. Write a DTD for the following schema (emp_id, emp_name(firstname, lastname), dob(dd,mm,yyyy), address(city, state)).

25. Create a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address and date of birth details. Create a DTD to validate the document.

26. Discuss the following

i) Specify the set out development goals of XML.

ii) How is XML defined?

Give the XML syntax and structure rules.

Explain the XML components in detail.

Unit V





5. How to build the web applications? Explain the steps ?


7. What are the various session tracking mechanisms. Explain with example .

8. Develop the web page for student management system using WEB SERVICES.

9. Develop the web page for library management system using WEB SERVICES.

10. Develop the web page for railway reservation system using WEB SERVICES.

11. Explain Web Services ARCHITECTURE.

12. Consider a hospital system. Write a PHP program to consolidate and show the bill to be paid by the in-patients(Assume you own data)







1 comment:

  1. Can please post answer script for these questions
