Soil Mechanics–Question Bank

Anna University


Question Bank – CE2251 Soil Mechanics

Subject Code : CE2251

Subject Name : Soil Mechanics

Year : 2nd yr

Semester : 4th Sem

Unit I


Part - A

1. Define Soil Mechanics.

2. Draw the phase diagram of soil.

3. Define unit weight of soil.

4. Define water content.

5. What are the laboratory methods of determination of water content?

6. Define porosity and voids ratio.

7. Define degree of saturation.

8. Define specific gravity and density index.

9. What do understand from grain size distribution?

10. What are the various types of gradations of soil?

11. Classify the soil based on particle size as per Indian Standards.

12. What do you understand from uniformly graded soil?

13. What are consistency limits of soil?

14. Define flow index.

15. Define plasticity index and liquidity index.

16. Define consistency and toughness index.

17. What is shrinkage ratio?

18. What are the methods available for determination of in-situ density?

19. What is the function of A-line Chart in soil classification?

20. Write the major soil classifications as per Indian Standard Classification System.

21. Define compaction.

22. Differentiate standard proctor from modified proctor test.

Part – B

1. Explain in detail the procedure for determination of grain size distribution of soil by sieve analysis.

2. Explain the procedure for determining the relationship between dry density and moisture content by proctor compaction test.

3. Explain in detail the Indian standards classification system.

4. Describe in detail the procedure for determination of liquid limit of soil

5. Describe in detail the procedure for determination of shrinkage limit of soil

6. Explain in detail the factors affecting compaction.

Unit II


Part – A

1. Define soil water.

2. Classify the types of soil water

3. Define Capillarity.

4. What is surface tension?

5. What is meant by capillary siphoning?

6. Briefly explain the concept of effective stress.

7. What is neutral stress?

8. Give the relationship between total, neutral and effective stress.

9. Define permeability.

10. What are the factors affecting permeability?

11. What are the methods available for determination of permeability in the laboratory?

12. What is Darcy’s Law?

13. Define discharge and seepage velocity.

14. What are methods of determination of permeability in the field?

15. Define seepage pressure.

16. What is quick sand condition?

17. Define Flow net.

18. Define velocity potential and stream function.

19. What are the applications of flow net?

20. What is meant by phreatic line?

Part – B

1. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of permeability using constant head method.

2. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of permeability using falling head method.

3. Derive the Laplace equation for two-dimensional flow.

4. Explain in detail the properties and applications of flow nets.

5. Explain in detail the procedure for drawing the phreatic line for an earthen dam.

Unit III


Part – A

1. What is geostatic stress?

2. Write the Boussinesq equation for stress beneath a concentrated point load.

3. What are the applications of Boussinesq equation?

4. What is a pressure bulb?

5. Write the equation for stress in soil due to a uniformly loaded circular area.

6. Write the equation for stress in soil due to a line load.

7. Write the equation for stress in soil beneath a corner of a uniformly loaded rectangular area.

8. What is Newmark’s Chart?

9. Write the Westergaard’s equation for stress beneath a concentrated point load.

10. Define Consolidation.

11. Define co-efficient of compressibility.

12. Define compression index.

13. What is pre-consolidation pressure?

14. What are the methods to determine co-efficient of consolidation?

15. Differentiate consolidation and compaction.

16. What are the components of settlement?

17. What is immediate settlement?

18. What is creep?

19. What are the factors influencing consolidation?

20. Define Overconsolidation ratio.

Part – B

1. Derive the equation for Terzhaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation.

2. Explain in detail the laboratory determination of co-efficeint of consolidation.

3. Explain the concept of consolidation using Terzaghi’s mechanical model.

4. Explain the principle of Newmark’s Chart in detail.

5. Explain in detail with sketches the applications of Boussinesq theory.

Unit IV


Part – A

1. Define shear strength

2. What are the shear strength parameters?

3. Define Cohesion

4. What is angle of internal friction?

5. Write the Mohr-Coulomb equation.

6. Define Failure envelope.

7. What are the various methods of determination of shear strength in the laboratory?

8. What are the disadvantages of direct shear test?

9. What are the types of triaxial test based on drainage consitions?

10. What are the advantages of triaxial test?

11. When is vane shear test adopted?

12. Sketch the Mohr’s circle for total and effective stresses for undrained triaxial test.

13. Sketch the failure envelope for drained triaxial test.

14. Write the relationship between the major principle stress, minor principle stress, cohesion and angle of internal friction.

15. What is a stress path?

16. How will you determine and cohesion and angle of internal friction from stress path method?

Part – B

1. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using direct shear test.

2. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using unconfined compression test.

3. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using triaxial shear test.

4. Explain in detail the determination of shear strength using vane shear test.

5. Explain the shear strength behavior of cohesive and cohesionless soils under different drainage condition in a triaxial test.

6. Explain in detail the stress path method of determination of shear strength parameters.

Unit V


Part – A

1. What are the types of slopes?

2. Define finite and infinite slope.

3. What are the causes for slope failure?

4. What are the types of slope failures?

5. What are the various methods of analysis of finite slopes?

6. Define factor of safety

7. What is critical depth?

8. Define stability number.

9. What is tension crack? How does it influence stability analysis?

10. What are the various slope protection measures?

Part – B

1. Explain in detail the Swedish circle method of stability analysis.

2. Explain in detail the friction circle method of stability analysis.

3. Explain in detail the Bishop’s method of stability analysis.

4. Explain in detail about Taylor’s stability number and stability curves.

5. Explain in detail the various methods to protect slopes from failure.

Text Books:

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by B.C. Punmia

Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics by Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao

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