Anna University

Technical English Lecture Notes



Below are some sentences. Some are correct, and some are incorrect or non-standard. Correct the incorrect sentences

Willy works real good

I highly admire your courage

It was a terribly murder

The fish tastes well

She is unusually good at bridge

He is an elderly gentleman

She sings lovely

What a lovely song that is

You drive awfully careless

He looked angry at her

It was a well concert. They played awful good

The Observer is a weekly paper

He has an amazingly large vocabulary

Your essay is exceptionally good written

It is terrible cold in here because the door is widely open


Choose the correct form of the words in brackets and explain your choice

  1. The girl looked ……… (angry/angrily)
  2. The girl looked ………... at us (angry/angrily)
  3. The boy gave a ………… answer (clever/cleverly)
  4. Fred always drives so ………….. (slow/slowly)
  5. I was ……………. hungry (awful/awfully)
  6. The man talked ………….to me (gentle/gently)
  7. The man talked in a ……………voice (gentle/gently)
  8. Their aunt received them …………. (warm/warmly)
  9. Today I am …………. hungry (particular/particularly)
  10. Alice always reads …………..well (perfect/perfectly)
  11. Mary seemed to be ………………..than ever (happier/more happily)


Insert the correct form of the word in the following sentences. NB! The word in brackets is in the adjective form

  1. The American Express credit card is ……………..accepted (wide)
  2. The firm found a ………….. answer to their problem (temporary)
  3. We have discussed this matter ………………now (sufficient)
  4. We have to evaluate the possibilities …………before we take a ………… decision (full, final)
  5. She is a very ………….manager, who deals with problems …………… and ………….. (capable, rapid, efficient)
  6. I have ……………. confidence in her ability to deal with this problem (absolute)
  7. We are a ……………company, which tests all machines ………….before delivery (reliable/thorough)


Are the underlined words adjectives or adverbs?

A fast car goes fast

They came late, so we had to have a late dinner

Have you seen him lately?

I have high expectations

I can jump really high

I can highly recommend this book

The sun burnt the grass quickly

The sun burnt the grass black

I can hardly wait to see them

He drove his employees hard

He drove his employees mad

We shall leave the house early

We shall leave the house empty


Adjective or adverb? Cross out unacceptable alternatives in the sentences below. In case both alternatives are acceptable, explain any difference in meaning and/or style.

a. That course sounds interesting / interestingly

b. I shall deal with those present / presently

c. The patient listened silent / silently to what the nurse said

d. Sarah felt good / well

e. You have to drive real / really slow / slowly

f. The actors in this series are natural / naturally beauties

g. It will give me real / really pleasure to do this

h. Things turned out wonderful / wonderfully well

i. You should serve this dish hot / hotly

j. She wore such beautiful / beautifully ironed dresses in those days


Move the adjective in the following noun phrases to predicative position wherever

possible. Account for any difference in meaning between the two versions.

Example: a superb cook – the cook is superb

a. a delicious dessert

b. the atomic bomb

c. outdoor activities

d. the yellow line

e. pink elephants

f. a talented musician

g. a conscientious objector


Turn theses clauses with predicative adjectives into noun phrases with attributive adjectives wherever possible. Account for any difference in meaning.

Example: the habit is nasty – a nasty habit

a. The man was sorry

b. The doctor was responsible

c. These weapons are heavy

d. The two women are alike

e. The workers are skilled

f. The action is legal


Translate the following sentences into English

a. Sekretæren vår er den rette til å svare på det

b. Den gamle ristet på hodet

c. I dette området bor det bare hvite

d. Det rare er at ingen har tenkt på det før

e. MÃ¥tte den beste vinne


Comment on the difference in form and meaning between the members of the following pairs.

I can paint your hall pink

I can paint your hall fast

We can take a later train

We can take a train later

We can make that task easy

We can easily make that task

She looked at her mother with intensely bright eyes

She looked at her mother with intense, bright eyes


Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order

A ring (gold, nineteenth-century, unusual)

A man (attractive, big-headed, young)

A lady (English, confused, nice, old, little)

A house (modern, semi-detached, attractive)

Gloves (leather, expensive, Italian, black)

A film (low-budget, Japanese, new, important)

A nose (plastic, Roman, red, hideous)

A dog (exhausted, young, faithful)

Hair (newly-washed, sweet-smelling, fair, beautiful, long)

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