Software Project Management QUESTION BANK (All Units)

Anna University


Software Project Management QUESTION BANK

Subject Name: IT2403 Software Project Management

Year / Sem : IV / VIII




1. What is software project management?

2. What is a project?

3. Define process.

4. List the characteristics of software projects.

5. What is contract management?

6. Difference between contract management and technical project management.

7. What is the difference between feasibility study and planning?

8. How plans, methods and methodologies differ from each other?

9. What are the types of designs in software project?

10. What are the three successive process of software project management?

11. What are the categories of software projects?

12. What are the activities of project management?

13. What is activity plan?

14. What are the elements of product descriptions?

15. What do you mean by project breakdown structure?

16. What are the steps involved in identification of project scope and objectives?


1. Explain the various activities covered by software project management.

2. Give an outline of step wise planning activities for a project with neat diagram.

3. Diagrammatically explain the ISO 12207 SDLC activities.

4. List the Outline of stepwise project planning.

5. For each stage of a typical IS development project list the type of personnel who are likely to be involved.

6. Identify the data that you would collect to ensure that during execution of project things are going according to plan.




1. What is strategic assessment?

2. Difference between strategic assessment and technical assessment.

3. How to identify and estimate the cost of project?

4. What is cash flow?

5. How will you find the present value of future cash flow?

6. Write short notes on cash flow forecasting life cycle?

7. What is payback period?

8. What is ROI? How it is calculated?

9. Calculate the ROI for a software project development, where the net profit is

60,000 and the total investment is 300,000.

10. How to calculate the net present value for a software project?

11. Define risk profile analysis.

12. What are the different types of cost related to project development?

13. How are risks identified?

14. What is IRR? How is calculated?

15. What are the advantages of using IRR method?

16. What is meant by project portfolio?

17. How are decision trees helpful in risk handling?


1. Describe how cost- benefit evaluation techniques can be used to choose the best among competing project proposal.

2. Discus the typical product life cycle cash flows in project development.

3. Explain how project can be evaluated against strategic, technical and economic criteria.

4. What is risk management? How the risks are evaluated in software projects?

5. Explain in detail about the Amanda’s decision tree.

6. Discuss cash flow forecasting.

7. What do you mean by cost benefit analysis? Explain the different categories of cost in detail.




1. List the objectives of planning?

2. What are the advantages of project scheduling?

3. Define activity.

4. What is Activity –on- arrow (AOA) and Activity-on-node (AON)?

5. What are the different approaches used in identifying activities?

6. Define a product breakdown structure.

7. What is a hybrid approach of project scheduling?

8. What is SSADM?

9. What is forward pass?

10. Difference between forward pass and backward pass.

11. Write short notes on Hammock activities.

12. Why a network should not contain dangles?

13. List the types of activity float?

14. How to shorten the project duration?

15. What is Risk management?

16. How are risk classified?

17. List the factors involved in risk planning.

18. What are steps involved in planning for risk?

19. Define a brainstorming technique.

20. Write short notes on Hazards identification.


1. Explain the objectives of activity planning in detail.

2. Explain the different approaches of project activities.

3. What is project schedule? Explain the stages of project schedules.

4. Explain with an example how critical path can be identified in precedence networks.

5. Discus the network model represented by the CPM network.

6. How to formulate a network model in projects?

7. Explain the categories of risk framework.

8. Briefly explain the risk planning in project development.

9. Explain risk planning and control in detail.

10. Define hazard. How are hazards identified and analyzed?

11. Describe with an example how the effect of risk on project schedule is evaluated using PERT.




1. What are the different ways of collecting data?

2. What are the different categories of reporting?

3. Define a checkpoint.

4. What are the techniques used in visualizing progress.

5. Write any two advantages of function point analysis.

6. Write short notes on cost monitoring?

7. List the change control procedures?

8. What is earned value?

9. What is monitor earned value?

10. List the methods for assigning earned value in earned value anaylsis.

11. List the various prioritizing levels to monitor the project?

12. What are the roles of configuration librarian’s?

13. What are the supply processes in managing contract?

14. What are the different types of contracts?

15. List the various typical terms of a contract?

16. Write short notes on contract management?

17. Define change control.


1. Explain in detail about creating the framework for monitoring & control.

2. What are the different types of visualizing progress explain in detail?

3. Explain how to get back the project to target.

4. Assessing the state of project.

5. Controlling changes to a project requirement.

6. Discus the change control procedures in detail.

7. Explain the managing contract under ISO 12207 approach.

8. Explain the different stages in contract placement.

9. Explain the earned value analysis methods.




1. Define organizational behaviour.

2. List the various motivation theories.

3. What is motivation under the Taylor’s model?

4. Mention the two factors of Herzberg’s theory.

5. Write down the stages of team formation model.

6. What are the methods used to improve motivation?

7. Define job enlargement and job enrichment.

8. Mention the different categories of decisions.

9. How are leadership style classified?

10. How to work in a group?

11. Write short notes on leadership?

12. Define organization.

13. Define stress.

14. Give the difference between personal and organizational stress.

15. What are the responsibilities to make safety?

16. How is stress caused?


1. Explain the Oldham-hackman job characteristic model.

2. Explain in detail about decision making.

3. Explain how new staff can be selected and inducted into a project.

4. Explain to improve group performance.

5. List the factors that are involved in making a team. Explain the characteristics.

6. Discus in detail about the organizational structures.

7. Define motivation. Explain the theories of motivation.

8. Explain the methods to increase staff motivation.

9. Write a note on leadership styles.

10. Write notes on stress handled in development process.

11. Give a brief note on health and safety issues.

Embedded Systems Question Bank – 2012 Edition (All Units)

Anna University

Department of Information Technology

Sub. Code & Name: IT 2354 Embedded Systems

Class: 3 IT Question Bank

Embedded Systems  Question Bank – 2012 Edition

(All Units)


Embedded Computing

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. Define embedded system. What are the three main components of an embedded system?

2. What are the components of Embedded System hardware?

3. Why micro processor is used in embedded system?

4. What is the purpose of the z bit?

5. List the characteristics of embedded system.

6. Define a System.

7. What are the various classifications of embedded systems?

8. Give the hardware model of an embedded system.

9. What are the constraints to be considered while designing an embedded system?

10. List the characteristics of an embedded system.

11. Give some examples for sophisticated embedded systems.

12. Compare little and big-endian modes in ARM processor.

13. List the various instructions used in ARM with one example each.

14. Implement the statement x= (a+b)-c, using ARM instructions.

15. Differentiate embedded processor and embedded microcontroller.

16. Differentiate IO bit and IO byte programming.

17. What do you meant by load store concept?

18. List the various bits in CPSR.

19. Write an 8051 C program to send values 00-FF to port P1.

20. Write an 8051 C program to toggle bit D0 of the port P1 (P1.0) 50,000 times.

21. Show the status of the CY, AC, and P flags after the addition of 9CH and 64H in the following instructions.

MOV A, #9CH ADD A, #64H

22. Differentiate top-down and bottom-up designs

23. Write an 8051 C program to monitor bit P1.5. If it is high, send 55H to P0; otherwise, send AAH to P2.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Explain in detail the design process in embedded system. [16]

2. What are the challenges of Embedded System? [8]

3. Explain various architectural features of 8051 micro processor. [8]

4. Explain ARM Processor, Architecture, Instruction set Programming. [16]

5. Discuss the data operations of ARM processor. [8]

6. (i) What are the various problems that must be taken into account in embedded system design? [8]

(ii) List the hardware units that must be present in the embedded systems. [8]

7. (i) Explain the various data operations involved in ARM. [8]

(ii) Implement an if statement in ARM. [8]

8. With the help of a neat block diagram explain the 8051 processor. [16]

9. (i) List the various types of instructions in 8051. [8] (ii) Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P0, P1, and P2 continuously with a 250 ms delay. Use the sfr keyword to declare the port address. [8]


Memory and Input/Output Management

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. Why do most computer systems use memory-mapped I/O?

2. Give the structure of a basic IO device.

3. Define Aspect ratio of the memory.

4. List the features of RAM bus.

5. Define polling.

6. What do you meant by a foreground program?

7. What are maskable and non-maskable interrupts?

8. What are the interrupts that are being supported by ARM?

9. Define cache hit and cache miss.

10. Define working set.

11. Compare write through and write back.

12. Give the types of cache miss.

13. What do you meant by set associative cache?

14. Define memory mapping and virtual addressing.

15. Define boot-block flash.

16. Compare RAM and ROM.

17. Differentiate timers and counters.

18. What is the use of a watchdog timer?

19. List the various IO devices.

20. What is interfacing? Give its types.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Along with the structure of a cache memory explain it. [8]

(ii) Explain the memory management units and address translation techniques. [8]

2. Explain in detail the programming of input and output devices. [16]

3. (i) List the various input and output devices and explain them in detail. [8]

(ii) Explain the various memory devices along with component interfacing. [8]

4. Explain the various interrupt handling mechanisms. [16]

5. Discuss the memory devices and its interfacing concepts. [8]

6. Discuss the I/O devices & its interfacing concepts? [8]


Process and Operating System

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. Define process and threads.

2. What is multi-rate embedded system? Give 3 examples.

3. Define release time and deadline.

4. Define period and rate.

5. Compare initiation time and completion time.

6. What are the three basic scheduling states in OS?

7. Define scheduling policy.

8. Define utilization.

9. Compare RMS and EDF scheduling policies.

10. What are the two major styles of inter process communication?

11. What do you meant by priority inversion?

12. What do you meant by context switching?

13. Define interrupt latency.

14. What is real time operating system?

15. What are the various performance issues?

16. What do you meant by message passing?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. With appropriate diagrams explain multiple tasks and multiple processes. [16]

2. Explain in detail the various scheduling policies with example. [16]

3. Explain the following

a) Inter process communication [8]

b) Context Switching [8]

4. Explain in detail the various performance issues. [16]

5. Compare RMF and EDS with suitable example. [8]


Embedded Software

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. Compare multi state timed and input/timed system.

2. Give the bits of TCON register.

3. Define cross compiler.

4. What is in-circuit emulator?

5. What are the bits in TMOD register?

6. Give the schematic representation of embedded software development.

7. List any four software tools with their application.

8. What are the features of source code engineering tool?

9. What are the features of IDE?

10. What is the use of an emulator?

11. What is the use of the debugger?

12. What do you meant by multi state timed system?

13. What do you meant by multi state Input/Timed system?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Explain the various software development tools with their applications. [8]

(ii) List the features of

(a) Source code engineering tool [4] (b) Integrated Development Environment [4]

3. Explain in detail programming the embedded systems in assembly and C. [16]

4. Discuss the concept of programming in assembly language Vs High-level language. [16]

5. Implement the multi state timed system with an example. [16]

6. Implement the multi state Input/Timed system with an example. [16]

7. Explain the time-out mechanisms with examples. [16]

8. Explain

(i) Emulators [8]

(ii) Debuggers [8]


Embedded System Development

Part-A (2 Marks)

1. Define design flow.

2. What are the various models in system design?

3. List the major level of abstractions in the embedded system design process.

4. List the phases in waterfall model.

5. Compare spiral and successive refinement model in system design.

6. List the major goals of design process.

7. What are the elements of concurrent engineering?

8. Give the block diagram of AVCM hardware including microcontroller.

9. Define class diagram.

10. Define state diagram.

11. Give the hardware diagram of Smart card.

12. What are the parameters in serial link?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. Draw and explain basic system of an Automatic chocolate vending system. [16]

2. Discuss with the diagram task synchronization model for a specific application. [16]

3. Explain in detail the design issues and techniques in embedded system development. [16]

4. (i) Explain the case study of an embedded system for a smart card. [8]

(ii) Explain the features of Vx Works. [8]

5. Discuss the complete design of typical embedded system. [16]

WEB TECHNOLOGY Question Bank–2012 Edition (All Units)

Anna University







1. Define IP Addressing

2. What is Computer Network?

3. What is Domain Name Space?

4. Define WWW

5. What is Client-Server Communication?

6. List out the various web browsers that are commonly used.

7. Write the basic structure of HTTP Request and Response Message Structure

8. Sketch the Web Browser and Server Communication

9. Write the Structure of HTML.

10. List out the version of HTML.

11. Write the types of XHTML DTD.

12. Write the difference between XHTML and HTML

13. Write the basic document structure of XHTML.

14. What is HTML?

15. List the HTTP Method

16. List out some of Basic Internet Protocols.


1. How does the internet work, brief with a sample application.

2. Explain in detail about HTTP Request and Response.

3. Describe in detail about HTML with an example.

4. Write an XHTML program to view student marks

5. Discuss in detail about XHTML with an example.

6. Write an HTML program for user registration form



1. What is CSS?

2. List out the rules for writing CSS.

3. Define Cascading

4. Write the various approaches of CSS.

5. List out the properties of CSS.

6. Write the difference between Linked and Embedded Style Sheet.

7. Define Java Script.

8. How to declaring the variable in Java Script?.

9. Write the syntax for Java Script.

10. Differentiate between Java and JavaScript.

11. Write the origin of Java Script.

12. What do you mean by Event-Driven Computation?

13. Write the difference between Primitive and Object Data Type.

14. What is Implicit Type Conversion?

15. List out some of Screen output keyboard input.

16. Write the types of Popup Boxes.

17. List out the Standard Objects in Java Script.


1. Explain the concept of CSS and its uses with an example.

2. Explain the following

a. Write a Java Script program to find largest among 5 numbers.

b. Write a Java Script program to create Popup box, alert and confirm box.

3. Discuss in detail about Java Script.

4. Write short notes on the following a. Operators in Java Script

b. Variable and Data type.

5. Explain the following

a. Write a Java Script program to print the numbers from 0 to 50. b. Write a Java Script program to create table.

6. Explain in detail about Array with an example of Positive and negative numbers.

7. Write a Java Script program to create user registration form.



1. What is DOM?

2. Write the history of DOM.

3. List out the levels of DOM.

4. List out the some of basic terminologies used in DOM tree.

5. How to access the element in Java Script?

6. Write the difference between Event and Event Handling.

7. How to create text box and button in DOM?

8. Write the few of events and tags in DOM.

9. List out the phases of DOM2.

10. Define Event Propagation.

11. What is Event Handler Registration?

12. Differentiate between Applets and Servlets.

13. Write the uses of Servlets.

14. How Servlet Works?

15. How to execute Servlet?

16. Write the Life Cycle of Servlet.

17. List out the Servlet API.

18. Difference between HTTP-GET and POST requests.

19. What is Cookies and its uses?

20. Define JDBC.

21. How JDBC work?

22. Sketch Role of JDBC.

23. List out the components of JDBC architecture.


1. Explain in detail about DOM.

2. Write short notes on the following a. Events, Attributes and Tags b. DOM2 event model.

3. Describe in detail about Servlet.

4. Explain the following

a. Write short notes on JDBC .

b. Write a servlet program to display the message by using Cookies.

5. Explain in detail about Servlet Database Connectivity with an example of Student database.

6. Describe in detail about HTTP-GET and POST requests.

7. Discuss the following

a. Write a servlet for creating Student Entry form. b. Write a servlet for creating Department details.



1. Define XML.

2. Write the use of XML.

3. Write the rules for writing XML.

4. List out the versions of XML

5. What is Namespaces?

6. Define DTD.

7. Write the Merits and Demerits of DTD.

8. How AJAX works?

9. Define XML DOM.

10. How to create node tree in hierarchical representation of XML.

11. Differentiate between DOM and SAX.

12. List out the parts of XSL.

13. Sketch processing of XSLT document.

14. How to create XSL Style sheet?

15. Define JSP.

16. Write the Anatomy of JSP Page.

17. Write the Working of JSP;

18. What is JSTL?.

19. List out the core tag in JSTL.

20. What are all the steps involved in JSP-MS access Connectivity?

21. Define Session Tracking.

22. Write the various scope bean and JSP.


1. Explain in detail about XML with an example.

2. Describe in detail about XML DOM with an example of Students details.

3. Write short notes on the following a. DOM and SAX

b. DOM based XML processing.

4. Explain in detail about JSP with an example of currents date and simple message.

5. Discuss in detail about Action elements in JSP with an example of display current time and color.

6. Describe in detail about JSTL with an example of print natural numbers from 1 to 100.

7. Write short notes on Script lets with an example of check the given value is odd or even.

8. Explain about JSP-MS Access Connectivity with an examples of Employee Entry form.



1. What is Web Services with example?

2. How to installing JWSDP?

3. How to writing the We4b-Service?

4. What is WSDL?

5. List out the elements in WSDL.

6. How to representing data types in XML schema.

7. How to write Simple Schema?

8. Write some of the Advantage and disadvantage of Schema.

9. List out data types that are available in Web-Service.

10. Define Complex types.

11. Write the steps for Empty Element.

12. Sketch the Structure of SOAP.

13. What is SOAP?

14. How to storing Java Objects as Files?

15. Differentiate between SOAP and HTTP.

16. What is Indicators?

17. List out the types of Indicators.


1. Write short notes on the following a. JAX-RPC concepts.

b. Steps for creating the Web-Services.

2. Explain in detail about writing the Web-Service and Java Web Service Client.

3. Describing Web-Services in WSDL with an example.

4. Discuss in detail bout XML Schema with an example.

5. Explain in detail about Data Types in Web-Services.

6. Write short notes on Complex types in Web-Services.

Cryptography and Network Security Question Bank–All Units

Anna University

Department of Information Technology.

Cryptography and Network Security

Subject: IT2352/ Cryptography and Network Security

Question Bank


Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What are the types of attacks on encrypted message?

2. What is cryptanalysis and cryptography?

3. What are the key principles of security?

4. How does simple columnar transposition work?

5. What is avalanche effect?

6. Define threat and attack.

7. Give any four names of substitution techniques.

8. Specify the four categories of security threads.

9. Distinguish active and passive attack with example .

10. Compare stream cipher and block cipher with example.

11. How many keys are required for two people to communicate via a cipher?

12. What are the two approaches to attacking a cipher?

13. Compare Substitution and Transposition techniques.

14. Define Fermat Theorem.

15. Define Euler’s totient function or phi function and their applications.

16. Define Euler’s theorem and it’s application.

17. List the properties of Euler’s phi.

18. What is the difference between diffusion and confusion?

19. What is the advantage and disadvantage of one time pad encryption algorithm?

20. List the properties of Congruences.

21. Find gcd (56, 86) using Euclid’s algorithm.

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Discuss any four Substitution Technique and list their merits and demerits. (10)

(ii) Explain in detail Transposition Technique? (6)

2. Write short notes on

(i). Security attacks (8)

(ii). Security services. (8)

3. (i) Convert “MEET ME” using Hill cipher with the key matrix

Convert the cipher text back to plaintext (8)


(ii) Explain in detail the Legendre and Jacobi symbols.

4. (i) Briefly explain the design principles of block cipher. (8) (ii) Discuss in detail block cipher modes of operation. (8)

5. Write short notes on

(i)Fermat and Eluer’s theorem (8)

(ii)Chinese Remainder theorem (8)


Part-A (2 Marks)

1 Perform encryption and decryption using RSA Algorithm. for the following.

P=7; q=11; e=17; M=8.

2. Where is the miller-rabin algorithm is used?

3. What is the purpose of the Sub Bytes?

4. What is the difference between Sub Bytes and Sub Word?

5. Mention any one technique of attacking RSA.

6. List four general characteristics of schema for the distribution of the public key.

7. What is the purpose of the S-boxes in DES?

8. What primitive operation is used in RC4?

9. What is the role of session key in public key schemes?

10. What is the purpose of the State array?

11. How is the S-box constructed?

12. If a bit error occurs in plain text block b1, how far does the error propagate in CBC mode of DES.?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Identify the possible threats for RSA algorithm and list their counter measures. (8)

(ii) Perform decryption and encryption using RSA algorithm with p=3, q=11, e=7 and N=5. (8)

2. (i) Draw the general structure of DES and explain the encryption decryption process. (10)

(ii) Mention the strengths and weakness of DES algorithm. (6)

3. (i) Explain the generation sub key and S Box from the given 32-bit key by

Blowfish. (8) (ii) In AES, hoe the encryption key is expanded to produce keys for the 10 rounds(8)

4. (i) Describe about RC4 algorithm. (8) (ii) Explain the Miller-Rabin Algorithm . (8)


Part-A (2 Marks)

1. User A and B exchange the key using Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Assume α=5 q=11 XA=2 XB=3. Find the value of YA, YB and k.

2. What are the properties a digital signature should have?

3. What is masquerading?

4. Define weak collision property of a hash function.

5. Why is SHA more secure than MD5?

6. Mention the fundamental idea of HMAC.

7. Define the one way property to be possessed by any hash function.

8. What is the block size of MD5 and how many bits are produced as the message digest?

9. What are the functions used to produce an authenticator?

10. List the properties a digital signature should possess.

11. What do you meant by hash function?

12. Differentiate MAC and Hash function.

13. List any three hash algorithm.

14. What are the requirements of the hash function?

15. What is the role of compression function in hash function?

16. Distinguish between direct and arbitrated digital signature?

17. What is Birthday attack?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Briefly explain Deffie Hellman key exchange with an example. (16)

2. (i) Write and explain the digital signature algorithm. (8) (ii) Explain in detail Hash Functions. (8)

3. (i) Compare the Features of SHA-1 and MD5 algorithm. (8)

(ii) Discuss about the objectives of HMAC and it security features. (8)

4. Users A and B use the Diffie Hellman key exchange technique, a common prime q=11 and a primitive root alpha=7.

(i) If user A has private key XA=3.What is A’s public key YA? (4)

(ii) If user B has private key XB=6 What is B’s public key YB? (4) (iii) What is the shared secret key? Also write the algorithm. (4)

(iv) How man in middle attack can be performed in Diffie Hellman algorithm.(4)

5. (i) Explain in detail EIGamal Public key cryptosystem. (8)

(ii) Discuss clearly Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA) (8)

6. Describe the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block diagrams. (16)


Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What are the services provided by PGP services?

2. What is X.509 Standard?

3. Give IPSEC ESP Format.

4. What are the security options PGP allows when sending an email message?

5. How IPSec does offer the authentication and confidentiality services?

6. What is the role of Ticket Granting Server in inter realm operations of Kerberos?

7. Why the leading two octets of message digest are stored in PGP message along with encrypted message digest?

8. Mention the scenario where Kerberos scheme is preferred.

9. What are the technical deficiencies in the Kerberos version 4 protocols?

10. Define S/MIME.

11. What are the key algorithms used in S/MIME?

12. What are the headers fields define in MIME?

13. What are the function areas of IP security?

14. Give the application of IP security.

15. Specify the IP security services.

16. What is meant by SET? What are the features of SET?

17. What are the steps involved in SS L required protocol?

18. Draw the general format for PGP message.

19. Draw the header format for an ISAKMP message.

20. What is man in the middle attack?

21. What do you meant by Reply Attack?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. How does PGP provide confidentiality and authentication service for e-mail and file storage applications? Draw the block diagram and explain its components. (16)

2. Write Short notes on S/MIME .

3. Explain the architecture of IP Security (16)

4. (i) Describe the SSL Specific protocol – Handshake action in detail. (8)

(ii) Explain Secure Electronic transaction with neat diagram. (8)

5. (i) What is Kerberos? Explain how it provides authenticated service. (8)

(ii)Explain the format of the X.509 certificate. (8)


Part-A (2 Marks)

1. What is meant by polymorphic viruses?

2. What are honey pots?

3. List down the four phases of virus.

4. What is IP address spoofing?

5. What are the common techniques used to protect a password file?

6. What services are provided by IP Sec?

7. What is the role of bastion host?

8. List the classes of intruders

9. Define virus. Specify the types of viruses.

10. List the design goals of firewalls.

11. What is application level gateway?

12. What does meant by a trusted system?

Part-B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Explain any two approaches for intrusion detection. (8) (i) Identify a few malicious programs that need a host program for their existence.(8)

2. (i) Explain firewalls and how they prevent intrusions. (8) (ii)List and Brief, the different generation of antivirus software (8)

3. (i) Define intrusion detection and the different types of detection mechanisms, in detail. (8)

4. (i)Explain the types of Host based intrusion detection. List any two IDS software available. (8)

(ii) What are the positive and negative effects of firewall? (8)

5. (i) Describe packet filtering router in detail. (16)

6. Describe the familiar types of firewall configurations. (16)

Anna University - Affiliated Colleges University Examinations April/May/June 2012 Timetable UG(PartTime) Programmes

Anna University

Affiliated Colleges University Examinations May/June 2012 Timetable UG(PartTime) Programmes

Anna University, Chennai 2009 Batch and all AUTs-2011 Batch(R2009)  

Anna University, Chennai (R2005)  

Anna University, Chennai (R2002)  

Anna University of Technology, Chennai 2010 Batch (R2010)  

University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Madurai 2010 Batch (R2010)  

Anna University of Technology, Tirunelveli 2007 Batch (R2007)  

University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Tirunelveli 2009,2010 Batches (R2009)  

University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Tirunelveli 2007,2008 Batches (R2007)  

University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Trichy 2007,2008 Batches (R2007)  

Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore 2008,2009 Batches (R2008)  

University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore 2007,2008,2009,2010 Batches (R2007,R2009,R2010)  

Anna university–Affiliated Colleges–April / May 2012 EXAMINATIONS NOTIFICATION

Anna University


April / May 2012 University examinations for all the candidates of Affiliated college of Anna University Chennai and all the candidates of Affiliated Colleges / Constituent Colleges / University Departments / Colleges coming under Anna Universities of Technology Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai and Tirunelveli for all U.G. and P.G. Courses are scheduled to commence as detailed below:

Practical Examinations : 16.04.2012

Theory Examinations : 03.05.2012

Detailed Time‐table for Theory Examinations will be published in the University web‐site and will be sent to the Colleges in due course. As far as Practical Examinations are concerned, candidates are instructed to keep in touch with the Principals of the respective Colleges for the exact schedule and slots.

Candidates presently undergoing the course in the College and those who have completed the course but having arrears are informed to get the examinations application from the college concerned. Applications will be available with the respective colleges. All candidates should submit the applications only through the Principal of the respective colleges with necessary fee. No application should be sent directly to the Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.

Candidates registered for Ph.D. Degree and undergoing coursework along with Regular M.E./M.Tech./MBA/MCA students may forward the examination applications through their Supervisors / Guide and Principal of the college with the prescribed fee.

Last date for submission of application to the Principal of the respective colleges by the candidates has already been informed to the Principals.

Applications received after the said date will not be entertained.

Kind attention is invited to the reference cited, wherein the schedule for the

April/May 2012 Examinations for all Theory and Practical examinations was communicated. In this connection, following clarifications are issued for your information and necessary action:‐

1. B.E./B.Tech. GS2165 Physics Chemistry Lab:

a. The II Semester B.E. Lab course ‘GS2165 – Physics & Chemistry Lab ‐ II’ for the candidates admitted in 2011 – 2012 under R 2008 Regulation is renamed as ‘GS2165 – Physics & Chemistry Lab’.

b. Duration of the said practical examinations is totally 4 hours and this has to be divided into 2 hours for Physics lab and 2 hours for Chemistry lab.

c. Allocation of marks for Physics & Chemistry is 50 marks each. However, only one OMR sheet will be sent by the University for recordings of marks of Physics & Chemistry put together for 100 marks by the examiners. Therefore, the sum of Physics & Chemistry examination marks may be entered in the OMR sheet and signed by all the examiners.

d. The internal and external examiners may be paid full remuneration for Physics and Chemistry separately eventhough the duration of the examination is 2 hours each.

2. UG/PG Practical Examinations:

Normally two sessions per day are to be conducted for all the practical

examinations. Three sessions per day is also permitted subject to the availability of the examiners and laboratory facility in exceptional cases except for Physics & Chemistry Lab. Maximum students per batch to be examined is 35. Only two batches are permitted per examiner per day. Based on the availability of examiners and laboratory facilities, additional number of parallel batches are permitted.

3. UG/PG Final Semester Project Viva Voce Examinations:

UG/PG students admitted under Anna Universities of Technology, Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai and Tirunelveli in 2010 2011 and prior have to prepare and submit their final semester project only according to the Regulations and guidelines issued by the respective Universities in this regard.

4. B.E. Marine Engineering:

B.E. Marine Engineering final semester Project Viva Voce shall be arranged on completion of 4 years from the date of admission to the course and not earlier. 6th Semester ‘Afloat Training’ examinations shall be arranged only after completion of the Training Programme.

5. MBA Regulation 2009 under Anna University Chennai:

The course BA9208 ‐ Seminar I, BA9229 ‐ Seminar II and BA9212 ‐ Seminar III of MBA are to be evaluated totally through Internal Assessment and there will be no University examinations for this course. Marks are to be furnished to the University along with the Internal Marks for other subjects. This is also applicable for all MBA students admitted in 2011 ‐ 2012 under Anna Universities of Technology, Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai and Tirunelveli.

Numerical Methods - Important Repeated University 2 Marks Questions

Anna University

Numerical Methods 

Important Repeated University 2 Marks Questions

Content :

Unit 1,2,3,4,5 2 marks Question Based on Anna University Previous Year Question Paper.

Download :

Applied Hydraulic Engineering–16 marks (Part B)– Question Bank

Anna University

Department of Civil Engineering

Subject Name: Applied Hydraulic Engineering

Subject Code: CE2253

Year / Sem : 2rd Yr / 4th Sem

Important 16marks (Part B) Questions

1. Write the classification of flow and explain it?

2. A trapezoidal channel with a side slope of 1:1 has to design to carry 10 cubic meter /sec at the velocity of 2m/sec. so that the amount of concrete lining for the bed and to the side is minimum .calculate the area of lining for 1m length.

3. A rectangular channel has a width of 2m and carries a discharge of 4.8 cubic meter/sec with a depth of 1.6 m .At a certain section a small hump with a flat top and of height 0.1m is proposed to be built. Calculate the likely change in water surface neglect the energy loss.

4. Design a earthen channel with velocity of flow 1m/s and discharge 2 m3/s having side slope 2H to 1V for the most economical section take C as 55.

5.Find the discharge through a circular pipe of diameter 3m if the depth of water in the pipe is 1m and the pipe is laid at a slope of 1 in 1000 .Take the value C =70.

6. Derive the most economical section for discharge: 7. Derive the most economical section for velocity:

8. Draw the specific curve, regimes of flow and explain it :

9. For a constant specific energy of 1.8 m calculate the maximum discharge that may occur in a rectangular channel of 5m wide.

10. Water flows at the rate of 16 cumec in a channel 10 m wide at a velocity of 1.6 m/sec. Calculate the specific energy head. Find also the critical depth, Critical velocity , and the minimum value of specific energy head corresponding to this discharge in the channel.

11. Expain and derive the channel with a hump with a neat sketch:

12. A trapezoidal channel has to be excavated through hard clay at least cost . Determine the dimension of the channel the discharge is equal to 10 cumec and bed slope as 1 in 5000 and mannings N= 0.012 side slope 3Hto 2V.

13. Expain the classification of flow profile?

14.A trapezoidal channel has a wet width of 4m and bed slope 0.0004 and side slope 1H to 2V and roughness coefficient 0.02 the normal depth of flow is 2m and critical depth is 0.69 m. Calculate the gradually varying flow profile up to a depth of 2m by direct step method.

15.Explain Pelton wheel turbine with neat sketch?

16.Expalin radial flow turbine with neat sketch.?

17.A pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60m when running at 200 rpm .The pelton wheel develops 95.6475 KW shaft power .The velocity of buckets is 0.45 times the velocity of jet, Over all efficiency is 0.85 and co efficient of velocity is equal to 0.98. 18.Determine the length of backwater curve caused by an affux of 2m in a rectangular channel of width 40 m and depth 2.5m .The side slope of the bed is given as 1 in 11000 take N=0.03.

19.Explain in detail about backwater curve with neat sketch?

20.Explain about direct step method and graphical method with an example?

21.Expalin indicator diagram and air vessels ?

22.Explain about centrifugal pump with neat sketch?

23.Explian about single acting reciprocating pump and double acting reciprocating pump with neat sketch?

24.A centrifugal pump has the following dimensions inlet radius = 80mm, outlet radius =160mm, 1 = 0.45 radians and 2 =0.25 radians N =90 rad/sec .


(i) Discharge

(ii) Head developed

25.The cylinder bore diameter of a single acting reciprocating pump is 150 mm and its stroke is 300mm .The pump runs at 50 rpm and lifts water through a height of 25 m .The delivery pipe is 22 m long and 100 mm in diameter .Find the theoretical discharge and the theoretical power required to run the pump . If the actual discharge is 4.2 lit/sec .Find the percentage slip . Also determine the acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke

Applied Hydraulic Engineering–2 Marks with Answers ( Part 1 )

Anna University

Department of Civil Engineering

Subject Name: Applied Hydraulic Engineering

Subject Code: CE2253

Year / Sem : 2rd Yr / 4th Sem

Two Marks with Answers (Part 1 out of 3)

1.What do you mean by turbine?

The hydraulic machine which convert the hydraulic energy in to mechanical energy is called turbine

2.Define pump :

It is defined as the hydraulic machine which convert mechanical energy in to hydraulic energy

3.Define sub critical flow:

If the froude number is less than one then the flow is said to be sub critical flow

4.Define critical flow:

If the froude number is less equal to one it is called as critical flow.

5.Define supercritical flow:

If the froude number is greater than one it is called as super critical flow

6. What are the possible types of flow in open channel with respect to space and time?

A,steady and unsteady flow

B,uniform and nonuniform flow

7.what do you know about uniform and non uniform flow?

Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth ,velocity ,the rate of flow, cross section are constant.

Non Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth ,velocity ,the rate of flow, cross section are not constant.

8.Define specific energy:

It is defined as energy per unit weight of the liquid with respect to the bottom of the channel.

9.What is meant by wetted perimeter?

The wetted perimeter (p) is the length of the line of intersection of the channel wetted surface with the cross section plan normal to the direction of flow.

10.Define critical depth:

It is defined as the depth of flow of water at which the specific energy is minimum.

11.Define critical velocity:

The velocity of flow at the critical depth is known as critical velocity

12.Define the term most economical section of the channel:

A section of the channel is said to be most economical when the cost of construction of the channel is minimum. But the cost of construction depend up on the excavation and lining to keep the cost minimum The wetted perimeter for a given discharge should be minimum.

13.Define gradually varying flow

If the change in depth in a varying flow is gradual so that the curvature of the streaming line is not excessive such flow is called gradually varying flow.

14.Define Rapidly varying flow

If the curvature in a varied flow is large and depth changes appreciably over short

length it is called rapidly varying flow.

15.Define affux

The maximum increase in water level due to obstruction in the path of flow is known as affux.

16.Define length of backwater curve

The distance along the bed of the channel between the section where water starts raising to the section where water is having maximum height is known as the length of the back water curve

17.Define back water

The profile of the raising water on the upstream side of the dam is called as back water curve.

18.Define hydraulic jump

The raise of water level which takes place due to the transformation of the unstable shooting flow ( super critical flow ) to the stable Streaming flow ( sub critical flow ) is called hydraulic jump.

19. Define cavitations

cavitations is defined as phenomenon of formation of vapour bubbles in a region of a flowing liquid where the pressure in the liquid is falls below than vapour pressure and sudden collapsing of these vapour bubbles in a region of higher pressure.

20. What is known by governing of a turbine?

Governing of a turbine is defined as the operation by which the speed of the

turbine is kept constant under all conditions of working . It is done by oil pressure generator.

21.Explain gross head

The difference between head race level and tail race level when no water is flowing is know as gross head

22. Explain net head

It is defined as the head available at the inlet of turbine .If Hf is the loss due to

friction between water and penstock then net head


23. Define Hydraulic Efficiency:

It is defined as the ratio of power delivered to the runner to the power supplied at the inlet.

24. Define mechanical efficiency

It is defined as the ratio of power at the shaft of the turbine to the power delivered by the water to runner.

25. Define volumetric efficiency

It is defined as the ratio of volume of water actually striking the runner to the Volume of water supplied to the runner.

26.Define over all efficiency

It is defined as the ratio of shaft power by water power

27.Explain impulse turbine

If at the inlet of the turbine the energy available is only kinetic energy the turbine is known as impulse turbine.

28.Explain Reaction turbine

if at the inlet of the turbine the water possesses kinetic energy as well as pressure energy the turbine is known as reaction turbine.

29.Explian tangential flow turbine

If the water flows along the tangent of the runner, the turbine is known as the tangential flow turbine.

30.Expain radial flow turbine

If the water flows in the radial direction through the runner the turbine I called radial flow turbine.

31.Explain outward flow radial turbine

If the water flows radially from inwards to outwards the turbine is known as outward radial flow turbine.

32.Define axial flow turbine

If the water flows through the runner along the direction parallel to the axis of

rotation of the runner the turbine is called axial flow turbine.

33.what is Pelton wheel:

Pelton wheel or Pelton turbine is a tangential flow impulse turbine. The water strikes the bucket along the tangent of the runner . The energy available at the inlet of the Turbine is only kinetic energy.This turbine is used for high heads.

34.What is breaking jet?

When the nozzle is completely closed ,the amount of water striking the runner reduces to zero but the runner due to inertia goes on revolving for a long time to stop the runner in a short time a small nozzle is provided which direct the jet of water on the back of vanes .This jet of water is called breaking jet.

35.What is jet ratio?

It is the ratio of pitch diameter (D) to the diameter of jet (d).

36.What is Draft tube?

A tube or pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging water from the exit of the tubine to the tail race is called draft tube.

37.Define Degree of Reaction (R)

It is defined as the ratio of change of pressure energy inside the runner to the change of total energy out side the runner.

38.what is radial discharge?

This means the angle made by absolute velocity with the tangent on the wheel is 90 and the component of whirl velocity is zero.

39.Define Francis turbine:

Inward flow reaction turbine having radial discharge at outlet is known as francis turbine

40.Define propeller turbine:

This is an example of axial flow reaction turbine . Here the vanes are fixed to the hub and are not adjustable.

41.Define Kaplan turbine:

This is an example of axial flow reaction turbine. Here the vanes are not fixed to the hub and are adjustable.

42.What are the use of draft tube?

1.the net head on the turbine increases.

2.due to increase in net head the power and efficiency of the turbine also increases.

3.the large amount of rejected kinetic energy is converted in to usefull pressure energy

43.What are types of draft tube?

1.conical draft tube

2.simple elbow tube

3.moody spreading tube

4.draft tube with circular inlet and rectangular outlet.

44.What are the types of characteristic curves

1.Main characteristic curves

2.Operating characteristic curve

3.Muschel characteristic curves

45.What is specific speed of the turbine?

It is defined as the speed of a turbine which will develop unit power under unit head.

46.Define unit quantities;

Unit quantities are the quantities which are obtained when the head on the turbine are unity.

47.Explain about characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine

Characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine are the curves with the help of which the exact behaviour and performance of the turbine under different working conditions can be known.

48.What is meant by conveyance of the channel?

The conveyance of the channel is denoted by k and is given by k=AC (m).

49.Define the term most economical section:

A section of the channel is said to be most economical when the cost of construction of the channel is minimum. But the cost of construction mainly depend up on the excavation and lining to keep the cost minimum ,the wetted perimeter for a given discharge should be minimum.

50.What are the conditions of rectangular channel of best section?

The two conditions are breadth is equal to two times the depth (b=2d) and hydraulic mean depth is equal to half the depth (m=d/2)




Dr.M.SARAVANAKUMAR Academic Campus


Coimbatore – 641 047

The Graduation Day for the University Departments of Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore is scheduled to be held on SATURDAY the 31st March 2012 at 5.00 p.m. at CODISSIA Hall - A, Coimbatore 641 018. Candidates who have successfully completed UG / PG (Full Time / Part Time) Programmes during N o v / D e c 2 0 1 0 , A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 1 a n d N o v / D e c 2 0 1 1 Examinations will receive the Degree/Rank certificates in person on the Graduation Day.

In this connection you are requested to send the enclosed Registration Form to the undersigned to confirm your participation.

Further the graduands are requested to strictly adhere to the instructions to make this graduation day a grand success.

Important Notes:

1. The candidates those who have not yet paid the Degree Certificate fee should pay the fee in the form a Demand Draft for Rs. 750 /- in favour of “The Controller of Examinations , Anna University of Technology Coimbatore”. The Registration form with necessary fee has to be sent to the undersigned.

2. The Registration form is also available in our University website:

3. The Graduands are strictly required to assemble in the venue of Graduation by 3.00 p.m.


Venue: CODISSIA Hall - A, Coimbatore 641 018

Date: Saturday the 31st, 2012 at 5.00 p.m.


1. The candidates, who wish to receive their degree certificates in person in the

Graduation Day 2012, must compulsorily register.

2. The registered late comers after 5.00 p.m will not be allowed inside the premises of the Graduation Day 2012, they will be allowed to sit in a separate place and their degree certificates will be issued after the graduation function on the same day.

3. The graduands those who are not registered for the graduation day can receive the degree certificates in the concerned departments after graduation day.

4. The candidates those who are not registered for the graduation day to receive their degree will not be entertained to receive their degree during graduation function.

5. Candidates are requested to be in their respective seats at the venue at CODISSIA Hall - A, Coimbatore 641 018 at 3.00 p.m., neatly and respectively dressed in their correct academic costumes.

6. No candidates will be allowed to enter the Venue after 3.00 p.m. Candidates who are not dressed according to the regulation will not be admitted in to the Venue.

7. Candidates are specially requested to take the pledge audibly, after initiation by Vice- Chancellor.

8. Candidates would remain standing when the Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Guests enter the Stage and when they retire from the Venue.

9. Candidates are strictly forbidden from leaving their place until the Vice-Chancellor and the Chief Guests leave the Venue after the dissolution of the Graduation

10. Candidates are earnestly requested to observe strict silence during the proceeding of Graduation.

11. Candidates are directed not to bring CELL PHONE / CAMERA TO THE GRADUATION.

12. Children are not permitted inside the Venue.

13. Candidates should bring the proof of identity.

14. Candidates are requested to attend a rehearsal at CODISSIA Hall - A, Coimbatore

641 018 with the prescribed academic costume at 3.00 p.m. on 31st March, 2012. The seat numbers will be allotted at that time.

15. Candidates who are not attending the rehearsal will not be admitted inside the Graduation Hall.

16. Dress: Gowns may be had on hire from the tailors approved for the purpose, who will have their stalls at the above campus from 2.30pm to 3.00pm. Graduands may please note that cap does not form part of the approved dress.

17. Photography: Two authorized photographers who will be available at CODISSIA Hall - A, Coimbatore 641 018 on the afternoon of the Graduation day may be contacted by the candidates for the requirements of photograph.

Registration Form : Click Here to Download.



The First Graduation Day of Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli




The First Graduation Day of Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli is to be held on Saturday, 31st March 2012 at Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli, Sundari Complex (near New Bus Stand), Tirunelveli – 627005. All the graduands of Full Time and Part Time Under Graduate/Post Graduate Degree Programmes offered at University Departments, University V.O.C College of Engineering Tuticorin and University College of Engineering Nagercoil will receive the Degree and medals in person during the graduation. The admit card will be sent to all candidates who will be receiving the Degree in person. The list of Rank Holders Under Graduate/Post Graduate Degree Programmes will be published in the University website ( In this regard they are directed to contact the respective Dean/ Directors and the Controller of Examinations of Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli (email id:, Phone: 0462-2554066).

The Graduands who wish to receive the Degree in person must register On-line by paying registration Fee of Rs.1000/- . Maximum of 2 persons per Graduand may be permitted as Guests, subject to availability of seats inside the hall. The Demand Draft has to be taken in favour of “The Controller of Examinations”, Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli payable at Tirunelveli.

Online Registration : Click Here to Register.

Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli - REVALUATION Result for B.E. Nov/Dec 2011 3rd,5th,7th Semester

Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli had announced the  REVALUATION Result for B.E. 3rd,5th,7th Semester held on Nov/Dec 2011. Candidates can view their result from the following links:

V+ Server Link :

AUTT Server Link :

University Link :

Discrete Mathematics–Question Bank (All Units)

Anna University

Discrete Mathematics

Question Bank

Subject Code : MA2265

Subject Name :Discrete Mathematics

Year / Sem : 3rd Yr / 5th sem

Download Links :

Digital Signal Processing ( DSP )–Question Bank–All Units

Anna University

Digital Signal Processing

Question Bank

Subject Code :CS2403

Subject Name : Digital Signal Processing

Year / Sem : 4th Yr / 7th Sem


1. Determine the energy of the discrete time sequence (2)

x(n) = (½)n, n≥0

=3 n, n<0

2. Define multi channel and multi dimensional signals (2)

3. Define symmetric and anti symmetric signals. (2)

4. Differentiate recursive and non recursive difference equations. (2)

5. What is meant by impulse response? (2)

6. What is meant by LTI system? (2)

7. What are the basic steps involved in convolution? (2)

8. Define the Auto correlation and Cross correlation? (2)

9. What is the causality condition for an LTI system? (2)

10. What is zero padding? What are it uses? (2)

11. State the Sampling Theorem. (2)

12 What is an anti imaging and anti aliasing filter? (2)

13. Determine the signals are periodic and find the fundamental period (2)

in√ 2 πt

i) sin 20πt+ sin5πt

14. Give the mathematical and graphical representations of a unit sample, unit step sequence. (2)

15. Sketch the discrete time signal x(n) =4 δ (n+4) + δ(n)+ 2 δ (n-1) + δ (n-2) -5 δ (n-3) (2)

16. Find the periodicity of x(n) =cost(2πn / 7) (2)

17. What is inverse system? (2)

18. Write the relationship between system function and the frequency response. (2)

19. Define commutative and associative law of convolutions. (2)

20. What is meant by Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval? (2)

21. What is an aliasing? How to overcome this effect? (2)

22. What are the disadvantages of DSP? (2)

23. State initial value theorem of Z transform. (2)

24 What are the different methods of evaluating inverse z transform? (2)

25 What is meant by ROC? (2)

26 What are the properties of ROC?(2)

27 What is zero padding? What are it uses?(2)

28 State convolution property of Z transform. (2)

29 State Cauchy residue theorem. (2)

30 Define fourier transform. (2)

31 Define discrete fourier series. (2)

32 Compare linear and circular convolution. (2)

33 Distinguish between Fourier series and Fourier transform. (2)

34 What is the relation between fourier transform and z transform. (2)

35 What is the use of Fourier transform? (2)

36. Define system function. (2)

37. State Parseval relation in z transform (2)


1. Determine whether the following system are linear, time-invariant (16)

i)y(n) = Ax(n) +B

ii)y(n) =x(2n)

iii)y(n) =n x2 (n)

iv)y(n) = a x(n)

2. Check for following systems are linear, causal, time in variant, stable, static (16)

i) y(n) =x(2n)

ii) y(n) = cos (x(n))

iii) y(n) = x(n) cos (x(n)

iv) y(n) =x(-n+2)

v) y(n) =x(n) +n x (n+1)

3.a) For each impulse response determine the system is i) stable ii) causal (8)

i) h(n)= sin (π n / 2)

ii) h(n) = δ(n) + sin π n

iii) h(n) = 2 n u(-n)

. b)Find the periodicity of the signal x(n) =sin (2πn / 3)+ cos (π n / 2) (8)

4. Explain in detail about A to D conversion with suitable block diagram and to

reconstruct the signal. (16)

5 a) State and proof of sampling theorem. (8)

b)What are the advantages of DSP over analog signal processing? (8)

6 a)Explain successive approximation technique. (8)

b)Explain the sample and hold circuit. (8)


1. a)State and proof the properties of Z transform. (8)

b)Find the Z transform of (8)

i) x(n) =[ (1/2)n – (1/4)n ] u(n)

ii) x(n) = n(-1)n u(n)

iii) x(n) (-1)n cos (πn/3) u(n)

iv) x(n) = (½) n-5 u(n-2) +8(n-5)

2 a) Find the Z transform of the following sequence and ROC and sketch the pole zero

diagram (8)

i) x(n) = an u(n) +b n u(n) + c n u(-n-1) , |a| <|b| <| c|

ii) x(n) =n2 an u(n)

b)Find the convolution of using z transform (8)

x1(n) ={ (1/3) n, n>=0

(1/2) - n n<0 }

x2(n) = (1/2) n


5. Find the inverse z transform (16)

X(z) = log (1-2z) z < |1/2 |

X(z) = log (1+az-1) |z| > |a|

X(z) =1/1+az-1 where a is a constant


X(z) =1/ (1-z-1) (1-z-1)2

X(z)= Z+0.2/(Z+0.5)(Z-1) Z>1 using long division method.

X(z) =1- 11/4 z-1 / 1-1/9 z-2 using residue method.

X(z) =1- 11/4 z-1 / 1-1/9 z-2 using convolution method.

6.. A causal LTI system has impulse response h(n) for which Z transform is given by H(z)

1+ z -1 / (1-1/2 z -1 ) (1+1/4 z -1 ) (16)

i) What is the ROC of H (z)? Is the system stable?

ii) Find THE Z transform X(z) of an input x(n) that will produce the output y(n) = - 1/3

(-1/4)n u(n)- 4/3 (2) n u(-n-1)

iii) Find the impulse response h(n) of the system.


7. a)The impulse response of LTI system is h(n)=(1,2,1,-1).Find the response of the system to

the input x(n)=(2,1,0,2) (8)

b). Determine the response of the causal system y(n) – y(n-1) =x(n) + x(n-1) to inputs

x(n)=u(n) and x(n) =2 –n u(n).Test its stability (8)

8. Determine the magnitude and phase response of the given equation

y(n) =x(n)+x(n-2) (16)

9. a)Determine the frequency response for the system given by

y(n)-y3/4y(n-1)+1/8 y(n-2) = x(n)- x(n-1) (8)

b). Determine the pole and zero plot for the system described difference equations

y(n)=x(n)+2x(n-1)-4x(n-2)+x(n-3) (8)

10. Find the output of the system whose input- output is related by the difference equation

y(n) -5/6 y(n-1) +1/6 y(n-2) = x(n) -1/2 x(n-1) for the step input. (16)

11. Find the output of the system whose input- output is related by the difference equation

y(n) -5/6 y(n-1) +1/6 y(n-2) = x(n) -1/2 x(n-1) for the x(n) =4 n u(n). (16)


12. Find the output of an LTI system if the input is x(n) =(n+2) for 0≤ n≤ 3

and h(n) =an u(n) for all n (16)

13. Find the convolution sum of x(n) =1 n = -2,0,1

= 2 n= -1

= 0 elsewhere

and h(n) = δ (n) – δ (n-1) + δ( n-2) - δ (n-3) (16).

14. Find the convolution of the following sequence x(n) =(1,2,-1,1) , h(n) =(1, 0 ,1,1) (16)

15.Find the output sequence y(n) if h(n) =(1,1,1) and x(n) =(1,2,3,1) using a circular

Convolution. (16)

16. Find the convolution y(n) of the signals (16)

x(n) ={ α n, -3 ≤ n ≤ 5 and h(n) ={ 1, 0 ≤ n ≤ 4

0, elsewhere } 0, elsewhere }


1. How many multiplication and additions are required to compute N point DFT using

radix 2 FFT? (2)

2. Define DTFT pair. (2)

3. What are Twiddle factors of the DFT? (2)

4. State Periodicity Property of DFT. (2)

5. What is the difference between DFT and DTFT? (2)

6. Why need of FFT? (2)

7. Find the IDFT of Y (k) = (1, 0, 1, 0) (2)

8. Compute the Fourier transform of the signal x(n) = u(n) – u(n-1). (2)

9. Compare DIT and DIF? (2)

10. What is meant by in place in DIT and DIF algorithm? (2)

11. Is the DFT of a finite length sequence is periodic? If so, state the reason. (2)

12. Draw the butterfly operation in DIT and DIF algorithm? (2)

13. What is meant by radix 2 FFT? (2)

14. State the properties of W N

k ? (2)

15. What is bit reversal in FFT? (2)

16. Determine the no of bits required in computing the DFT of a 1024 point sequence

with SNR of 30dB. (2)

17. What is the use of Fourier transform? (2)

18. What are the advantages FFT over DFT?


1. a) Determine the Fourier transform of x (n) =a |n|; -1<a<1


b) Determine the Inverse Fourier transform H (w) = (1-ae-jw) -1 (8)

2. State and proof the properties of Fourier transform (16)


3. Determine the Discrete Fourier transform x (n) = (1, 1, 1, 1) and

Proof x(n)*h(n) =X(z) H(z (16)

4. Derive and draw the 8 point FFT-DIT butterfly structure. (16)

5. Derive and draw the 8 point FFT-DIF butterfly structure. (16)

6.Compute the DFT for the sequence.(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0) (16)

7.Compute the DFT for the sequence.(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0) (16)

8.Find the DFT of a sequence x(n)=(1,1,0,0) and find IDFT of Y(k) =(1,0,1,0) (16)

9. If x (n) = sin (nΠ/2), n=0, 1, 2, 3 (16)

10. h (n) = 2 n , n=0,1,2,3.Find IDFT and sketch it. (16)

11.Find 4 point DFT using DIF of x(n) =(0,1,2,3) (16)

12.a)Discuss the properties of DFT. (10)

b).Discuss the use of FFT algorithm in linear filtering. (6)

UNIT 3& 4

1. Define canonic and non canonic form realizations. (2)

2. Draw the direct form realizations of FIR systems? (2)

3. Mention advantages of direct form II and cascade structure? (2)

4. Define Bilinear Transformation. (2)

5. What is prewar ping? Why is it needed? (2)

6. Write the expression for location of poles of normalized Butterworth filter. (2)

7. Distinguish between FIR and IIR Filters. (2)

8. What is linear phase filter? (2)

9. What are the design techniques available for IIR filter? (2)

10. What is the main drawback of impulse invariant mapping? (2)

11. Compare impulse invariant and bilinear transformation. (2)

12. Why IIR filters do not have linear phase? (2)

13. Mention the properties of Butterworth filter? (2)

14. Mention the properties of Chebyshev filter? (2)

15. Why impulse invariant method is not preferred in the design of high pass IIR filter? (2)

16. Give the transform relation for converting LPF to BPF in digital domain. (2)

17. What are Gibbs oscillations? (2)

18. Explain briefly Hamming window (2).

19. If the impulse response of the symmetric linear phase FIR filter of length 5 is h(n) =

{2, 3, 0, x, y), then find the values of x and y. (2)

20. What are the desirable properties of windowing technique? (2)

21. Write the equation of Bartlett window. (2)

22.Why IIR filters do not have linear phase? (2)

23.Why FIR filters are always stable? (2)

24.Why rectangular window are not used in FIR filter design using window method? (2)

25.What are the advantages of FIR filter? (2)

26.What are the advantages and disadvantages of window? (2)

27.What is the necessary condition and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of a

FIR filter? (2)

28.Compare Hamming and Hanning window? (2)

29.Why triangular window is not a good choice for designing FIR Filter? (2)

30.Why Kaiser window is most used for designing FIR Filter? (2)

31.What is the advantages in linear phase realization of FIR systems? (2)

Structures of IIR systems:

1. Obtain the cascade and parallel form realizations for the following systems (16)

Y (n) = -0.1(n-1) + 0.2 y (n-2) + 3x (n) +3.6 x (n-1) +0.6 x (n-2)

2.a) Obtain the Direct form II

y (n) = -0.1(n-1) + 0.72 y(n-2) + 0.7x(n) -0.252 x(n-2) (8)

b) .Find the direct form II

H (z) =8z-2+5z-1+1 / 7z-3+8z-2+1 (8)

3. Obtain the i) Direct forms ii) cascade iii) parallel form realizations for the following systems

y (n) = 3/4(n-1) – 1/8 y(n-2) + x(n) +1/3 x(n-1) (16)

4.Find the direct form –I, cascade and parallel form for (16)

H(Z) = z -1 -1 / 1 – 0.5 z-1+0.06 z-2


6. Explain the method of design of IIR filters using bilinear transform method. (16)

7. a)Derive bilinear transformation for an analog filter with system function H(s) = b/ s + a (8)

b) For the analog transfer function H(s) = 2 / (s+1) (s+3) .

Determine H (z) using bilinear transformation. With T=0.1 sec (8)

8. a)Convert the analog filter H(s) = 0.5 (s+4) / (s+1)(s+2) using impulse invariant transformation

T=0.31416s (8)

b)The normalized transfer function of an analog filter is given by H a (sn) = 1/ sn

2 +1.414 s n +1.

Convert analog filter to digital filter with cut off frequency of 0.4 π using bilinear transformation.


9. Design a single pole low pass digital IIR filter with -3db bandwidth of 0.2Π by using bilinear

transformation. (16)

10. For the constraints

0.8 ≤ |H (e jw)| ≤1, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π

|H (e jw)| ≤0.2, 0.6π ≤ ω ≤π with T= 1 sec .Determine system function H(z) for a Butterworth

filter using Bilinear transformation. (16)

11.Design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying the following specifications

0.7 ≤ |H (e jw)| ≤1, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π

|H (e jw)| ≤0.2, 0.6π ≤ ω ≤π with T= 1 sec .Determine system function H(z) for a Butterworth

filter using impulse invariant transformation. (16)

12. Design a digital Chebyshev low pass filter satisfying the following specifications 0.707 ≤ |H (e

jw)| ≤1, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2π

|H (e jw)| ≤0.1 0.5 ≤ ω ≤π with T= 1 sec using for bilinear transformation. (16)

13.Design a digital Butterworth High pass filter satisfying the following specifications

0.9 ≤ |H (e jw)| ≤1, 0 ≤ ω ≤ π/2

|H (e jw)| ≤0.2, 3π/4 ≤ ω ≤π with T= 1 sec. using impulse invariant transformation (16)

14. Design a realize a digital filter using bilinear transformation for the following specifications

i) Monotonic pass band and stop band

ii) -3.01 db cut off at 0.5 π rad

iii) Magnitude down at least 15 db at ω = 0.75 π rad. (16)


15.a) Prove that an FIR filter has linear phase if the unit sample response satisfies the condition h(n)

= ± h(M-1-n), n =0,1,….. M-1.Also discuss symmetric and anti symmetric cases of FIR filter.


b) Explain the need for the use of window sequence in the design of FIR filter. Describe the

window sequence generally used and compare the properties. (8)

16. Design a HPF of length 7 with cut off frequency of 2 rad/sec using Hamming window. Plot the

magnitude and phase response. (16)

17. Explain the principle and procedure for designing FIR filter using rectangular window (16)

18. Design a filter with

H d (e

jώ) = e - 3 jώ , π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π/4

0. π/4 ≤ ω ≤ π using a Hamming window with N=7. (16)

19. H (w) =1 for | ω | ≤ π/3 and | ω | ≥2 π/3

0 otherwise for N=11. and find the response. (16)

20.Design a FIR filter whose frequency response (16)

H (e jώ) = 1 π/4 ≤ ω ≤ 3π/4

0. | ω | ≤3 π/4.

Calculate the value of h(n) for N=11 and hence find H(z).

21.Design an ideal differentiator with frequency response H (e jώ) = jw -π ≤ ω ≤ π

using hamming window for N=8 and find the frequency response. (16)

22.Design an ideal Hilbert transformer having frequency response

H (e jώ) = j -π ≤ ω ≤ 0

-j 0 ≤ ω ≤ π for N=11 using rectangular window. (16)

FIR structures:

23.a) Determine the direct form of following system (8)

H (z) =1+2z-1 - 3z-2 + 4z-3 - 5z-4

b). Obtain the cascade form realizations of FIR systems (8)

H (z) = 1+5/2 z-1+ 2z-2 +2 z-3


1) Give some example of DSP

2) Explain Interpolation

3) Explain decimation

4) What is know to be subband coding

5) Define sampling rate conversion

6) How the image enchancement is achieved using DSP

7) Define compression

8) What are various compression technique

9) Explain subband coding

10) Define vocoders

11) Explain adaptive filtering

Part B

1) Explain the concept of deciation by a factor D and interpolation by factor I

2) With help of equation explain sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D

3) Explain the following application

i) speech compression

ii) sound processing

4) With help diagram explain adaptive filtering process

5) Explain speech vocoders and subband coding

6) Explain how image enchancement was achieved