Object Oriented Programming Question Bank




1. What are the basic concepts of OOP?
2. What are objects?
3. What is class?
4. What is encapsulation?
5. Compare and contrast the notions of struct and class in C++.
6. What are pointers? What are the advantages of using pointers in programming?
7. What are the programming paradigms currently available?
8. What are the benefits of OOP language?
9. What is the default access mode for class members?
10. What is data abstraction?
11. What are data members and member functions?
12. Give any four applications of OOP.
13. What is a scope resolution operator (::)?
14. What is function prototype?
15. What is an inline function?
16. What is a default argument?
17. How to access a class member?
18. How to create an object?
19. What is static data member?
20. How the objects are used as function argument?
21. Define const member.
22. Define pointers to members.
23. What is the use of member dereferencing operator?
24. Define local classes and nested classes.
25. What are friend functrions?


1. Write a program to illustrate the manipulation using pointer to objects and pointer to member of a
class. [16]
2. Explain with suitable program to demonstrate how a function can be overloaded in different
ways. [16]
3. Illustrate the use of friend function with example program [16]
4. Write a program to find maximum between two numbers using friend class. [16]
5. (i) Explain object oriented paradigm with all its essential elements. [12]
    (ii) state the merits and demerits of OOP. [4]
6. (i) Explain the usage of friend keyword with an example program. [8]
    (ii) Write a C++ program to illustrate static function. [8]
7. What are friend functions and friend classes? Write a normal function which adds objects of the complex
number class. Declare this normal function as friend of the complex class. [8]
8. (i) List the applications of OOP. [4]
    (ii) Discuss on basic concepts of OOP. [8]
    (iii) Give general structure of C++ program. [4]
9. (i) Write short notes on inline function and default arguments. [4+4]
    (ii) Explain with example how you can use a common friend function to exchange the private values of two
classes. [8]
10. (i) How can you design a class? How to access data members? How is the message communication done to
access data members of other classes? [8]
(ii) Write down the merits and demerits of OO methodologies. [6]

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