Happy Vinayagar Chaturthi wishes From EEENotes.in

Hoping that this Ganesh Chatruthi will be
the start of year that brings the happiness
that lord Ganesh fills your home with prosperity & fortune
Best wishes on Ganesh Chatrurthi.
I wish u Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and
I pray to God for your prosperous life.
May you find all the delights of life,
May your all dreams come true.
Ganesh Maharajki Jai… May Lord Ganesh removes all obstacles, and gives U happieness to you and your family and entire to the society. 

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

Data Structure and Algorithm - Question Bank

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1. Write down the definition of data structures?
2. Give few examples for data structures?
3. Define Algorithm?
4. What are the features of an efficient algorithm?
5. List down any four applications of data structures?
6. What is divide and conquer?
7. State the importance of dynamic programming
8. Define storage structure?
9. Define file structure?
10. What are the four major parts in an iterative process?
11. Write down the algorithm for solving Towers of Hanoi problem?
12. What are the different types of data structures?
13. What do you mean by primitive data structure?
14. What are the three stages of problem solving aspect.
15. Define depth of recursion?
16. What is searching?
17. What is Linear search?
18. Define Space Complexity
19. Define Time Complexity
20. What are asymptotic notations?
21. What is information?
22. Define Recursion?
23. What is a Fibonacci sequence?


1. Explain in detail the steps involved in Top down Design. (16)

2. Write the verification condition of a program segments with
a. Straight line statements (4)
b. Branches (6)
c. Loops (6)

3. Write short notes on efficiency of an algorithm (16)

4. Write short notes on analysis of an algorithm (16)

5. (a) Develop an algorithm to compute the sums for the first n terms
S=1+ (1/2) + (1/3) +…. (8)

(b) Discuss in detail about the implementation of the algorithm. (8)

6. (a) Write an algorithm to reverse the digits of a decimal number. (8)

(b) Write an algorithm to compute the Fibonacci series for ‘n’ terms. (8)




1. What is an Abstract Data type (ADT)? Explain?
2. What is a Stack?
3. What are the two operations of Stack?
4. Write postfix from of the expression –A+B-C+D?
5. What is a Queue?
6. What is a Priority Queue?
7. What are the different ways to implement list?
8. What are the advantages in the array implementation of list?
9. What is a linked list?
10. Name the two fields of Linked list?
11. What is a doubly linked list?
12. Name the three fields of Doubly Linked list?
13. Define double circularly linked list?
14. What is the need for the header?
15. List three examples that uses linked list?
16. Give some examples for linear data structures?
17. Write postfix from of the expression –A+B-C+D?
18. How do you test for an empty queue?
19. What are the postfix and prefix forms of the expression?
20. Explain the usage of stack in recursive algorithm implementation?
21. Write down the operations that can be done with queue data structure?
22. What is a circular queue?


1. Write a program in C to return the position of an element X in a List L. (16)

2. (a) State & explain the algorithm to perform Radix Sort. (8)

(b) Write a Program in C to create an empty stack and to push an element into it. (8)
3. Explain how queues can be implemented using Arrays (16)
4. (a) Write a ‘c’ program to multiply two polynomials. (8)

(b) Write a ‘c’ program to add two polynomials. (8)

5. (a) Write an algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression and explain it with
example (8)

(b) Write an algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression and explain it with
example (8)

6. (a) Write an algorithm to check given expression contains balanced parenthesis
or not. (8)

(b) Write an algorithm for insertion and deletion operation in a circular queue (8)




1. Define non-linear data structure?
2. Define tree?
3. Define leaf?
4. What is meant by directed tree?
5. What is an ordered tree?
6. What is a Binary tree?
7. What are the applications of binary tree?
8. What is meant by traversing?
9. What are the different types of traversing?
10. What are the two methods of binary tree implementation?
11. Define pre-order traversal?
12. Define post-order traversal?
13. Define in -order traversal?
14. What is the length of the path in a tree?
15. Define expression trees?
16. Define strictly binary tree?
17. Define complete binary tree?
18. What is an almost complete binary tree?
19. Define AVL Tree
20. Define collision resolution
Part B:
1. (a) Construct an expression tree for the expression A+(B-C)*D+(E*F) (8)

(b) Write a function to delete the minimum element from a binary heap (8)

2. Write a program in C to create an empty binary search tree & search for an
Element X in it. (16)

3. Explain in detail about Open Addressing (16)

4. Explain in detail insertion into AVL Trees (16)

5. Write a recursive algorithm for binary tree traversal with an example. (16)

6. Write an algorithm for initializing the hash table and insertion in a separate
chaining (16)

7. State & explain the algorithm to perform Heap sort. Also analyze the time
complexity of the algorithm (16)

8. Write a C program to perform Merge sort and analyze time complexity of the
algorithm. (16)

9. State & explain the algorithm to perform Quick sort. Also analyze the time complexity of the algorithm. (16)

10. State & explain the algorithm to perform Shell sort. Also analyze the time complexity
of the algorithm. (16)


1. Define Graph?
2. Define adjacent nodes?
3. What is a directed graph?
4. What is an undirected graph?
5. What is a loop?
6. What is a simple graph?
7. What is a weighted graph?
8. Define out degree of a graph?
9. Define indegree of a graph?
10. Define path in a graph?
11. What is a simple path?
12. What is a cycle or a circuit?
13. What is an acyclic graph?
14. What is meant by strongly connected in a graph?
15. When is a graph said to be weakly connected?
16. What is meant by sorting?
17. What are the two main classifications of sorting based on the source of data?
18. What is meant by external sorting?
19. What is meant by internal sorting?
20. What are the various factors to be considered in deciding a sorting algorithm?
21. What is the main idea behind insertion sort?
22. What is the main idea behind selection sort?
23. What is the basic idea of shell sort?
24. What is the other name for shell sort?
25. What is the purpose of quick sort?

1. Formulate an algorithm to find the shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm and explain
with example. (16)

2. Explain the minimum spanning tree algorithms with an example. (16)

3. (a) Write short notes on Biconnectivity. (8)

(b) Write an algorithm for Topological Sort of a graph. (8)

4. Write and explain weighted and unweighted shortest path algorithm (16)

5. Explain the various applications of Depth First Search. (16)



1. Types of automatic list management?
2. What do you meant by Reference count method?
3. What is Garbage collection
4. What is compaction?
5. Give the purpose of list management?
6. What are the disadvantages of reference count method?
7. What are the phases of garbage collection?
8. What do you mean by thrashing?
9. What are the types of pointers?
10. What are methods of implementing add on and tail operations in linked
11. Define first fit
12. Define best fit.
13. Define worst fit.
14. What is internal and external fragmentation?
15. What are the types of buddy system?

1. Explain the linked list representation of a list with an example. (16)

2. Explain reference count method with an example. (16)

3. Explain garbage collection with their variations. (16)

4. Explain the dynamic memory management with necessary methods. (16)

5. Write about operations in linked linear lists. (16)

6. Explain the linked list implementation of stack ADT in detail. (16)

Applied Geology - Lecture Notes

  Provider :  
                     A.Ponniah Raju,
                     Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12

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Technical English 1 - Lecture Notes

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                     Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12

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Happy Eid Mubarak wishes to All Visitors

Happy Eid Mubarak wishes to All Visitors

Do You Know What Is The Meaning
Of The Word Eid ?

Eid Is The Combination Of Three
Meaningful Sentences As Follows:

E = Embrace With Open Heart
I = Inspire With Impressive Attitude
D = Distribute Pleasure To All Peoples

On the Joyous Occasion of "EID"..

Hope ALLAH's Blessings Bring
U Blissful Happiness,
Spirit of Celebration & Togetherness
of ur Dear Ones

Happy Eid Mubarak..


Electromagnetic Theory - Lecture Notes - All Units

  Provider :  
                     Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12

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Circuit Theory Analysis Lecture Notes - All Units

  Provider :  
                     SHIBU J.V.BRIGHT,
                     Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12

Electronic Device and Circuits - Lab Mannual - With Viva Questions

  Provider :
                     Sir.C.V.Raman Nagar, Tirunelveli-12

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Measurements and Instrumentation - Lecture Notes

Measurements and Instrumentation - Lecture Notes

30 Tips to Identify an Engineering Student

30 Tips to Identify an Engineering Student

Anna University MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Nov/Dec 2010 Question Paper

Third Semester

Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Regulation 2008)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Define static characteristics of an instrument.
2. What is meant by absolute error of measurement?
3. Why are the ordinary watt-meters not suitable for low power factor circuits?
4. What is a phase sequence indicator?
5. List the application of D.C. potentiometers.
6. What are parasitic voltages and how are they eliminated?
7. What is the purpose of a Post Deflection Acceleration (PDA) in a CRT?
8. Differentiate between LED and LCD.
9. What are the classifications of encoder?
10. What is the need of sample and hold circuit in A/D converter?

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) Draw the block diagram of functional elements of measuring system
and explain the function of each block. (Marks 8)

(ii) Explain the different types of errors in measurements. (Marks 8)


(b) (i) The probable values of two resistors and their S.D are specified as
R1 – 18.62 , S.D = 0.025 , R2 = 74.48 , S.D. = 0.05 . Find the
probable value and S.D for the two resistors when they are
connected in
(1) Series and
(2) Parallel. (Marks 8)

(ii) Discuss the different types of standards of measurements. (Marks 8)

12. (a) (i) What are the various types of digital voltmeters? With a neat
sketch explain the working principle of any one type of a digital
voltmeter. (Marks 8)

(ii) With a neat diagram explain the construction and its working
principle of elector dynamo-meter type watt-meter. Also derive its
torque equation. (Marks 8)


(b) (i) Explain the method of measurements of B.H curve of a ring
specimen with a neat diagram. (Marks 8)

(ii) Describe the construction and working principle of digital frequency
meter. (Marks 8)

13. (a) (i) Draw a neat sketch of a modern slide-wire D.C potentiometer and
discuss how the potentiometer is standardized. (Marks 8)

(ii) Describe how co-ordinate type potentiometer can be used for
calibration of a voltmeter and A.C energy meters. (Marks 8)


(b) (i) Explain the theory and working principle of Kelvin's double bridge
method for measurement of low resistance. Derive the relation for
finding unknown resistance. (Marks 8)

(ii) Discuss briefly how Hay's Bridge can be used for the measurement
of inductance. (Marks 8)

14. (a) (i) Explain the construction and its working principle of X-Y Recorder.

(ii) Briefly discuss the features of digital plotters and printers. (Marks 10)

(b) (i) Explain the working principle of electrostatic deflection system in a
CRT. (10)

(ii) Explain the working principle of digital storage oscilloscope. (Marks 6)

15. (a) (i) Explain the construction and working of unbounded and bonded
type strain gauges. (Marks 8)

(ii) Explain the construction and working of optical encoders with a
neat diagram. (Marks 8)


(b) (i) Draw the generalized block diagram of a digital data acquisition
system and explain. (Marks 8)

(ii) Explain the successive approximation method of A/D converter. (8)

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Question Paper Nov/Dec 2009

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Question Paper Nov/Dec 2009

Circuit Theory Question Paper June 2010

Circuit Theory Question Paper June 2010

Data Structure and Algorithm Lab Manual - (All Experiment)

Data Structure and Algorithm Lab Manual - Includes All Experiment with Output

Download (pdf) :  Click Here to Download

Download (doc):  Click Here to Download

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Electromagnetic Theroy Question Paper Nov-Dec-2010

Electromagnetic Theroy Question Paper Nov-Dec-2010

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Question Paper April/May 2011

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Question Paper April/May 2011

Data Structure and Algorithm Program and Output Printout for Record work - First 4 Experiments

Download :  Click Here to Download

Revaluation Procedure for U.G June/July 2011 Second Semester - Anna university Of technology Chennai

Announcement :

Revaluation and photocopying of UG answer script details can be obtained from the Principal / CS. The last date for submission is 22nd August 2011. 

- Anna university of Technology Chennai

Experiment No : 4 - Circular Queue with Output

Experiment No : 4 - Circular Queue with Output

64th Independence day - Proud to be an Indian

My Dear Brothers & sisters,
                         It is my proud privilege to extend to all of you gathered here today my cordial greetings and best wishes on the occasion of the 64th Anniversary of Independence day celebrations.
It is our duty, on this day, to pay obeisance to our founding fathers who have made it possible for us to stand together to breathe the fresh air of freedom and democracy.

Today we are enjoying the fruits of their labor. They shed their blood, sweat and tears so that we could sleep peacefully and awaken to a new morrow.
The most important lesson that we should learn from them, which has become more relevant today than sixty years ago, is the lesson of tolerance.
 Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we develop the spirit of accommodation towards all religions, all nations, and all people.
We should be proud to belong to a nation, which taught the world unity in diversity and universal acceptance.
We believe in the world as one family.
We accept all religions as true.
Our country has sheltered the refugees of many religions and nations.
The affirmative, enduring and energizing values that have been handed down to us by our forefathers need to be passed on to our children if we want them to grow up as good human beings and good citizens of India.

Independence day is a joyous occasion to celebrate the formation of our freedom. It is also the day we need to step back and take a look at ourselves.
 We have to take stock of our achievements and failures.
 We have to examine closely the instances where we have gone wrong, so that the mistakes that we have committed do not get repeated either by us or by the future generations.
 Let us introspect so that history will not accuse us of having failed in our duty.
Our grand children and great-grand children should be able to look back at us and laud us for the work we have done.
We should not give them a reason to hang their heads in shame and humiliation.
We should, in fact, instil in them a sense of pride and a sense of purpose.
 They should be proud to proclaim their lineage on the platform of the world.

Loved Indians,
Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom to live
independently in our country Cheerfully,
Helpfully,Hopefully,Peacefullu by remembering
our National Heroes who gave us Freedom after suffering pain & humiliation.
Jai Hind !!